Need feedback with routine.


New Member
I need feedback with my Hypertrophy Specific Training routine. Here's an article if you haven't heard about it.

This will be my routine during the whole 15RM/10RM weeks.

Squat x2

Bench Press x2

Back (still haven't figure out better back exercises)
Chins x2
Seated Cable-Rows x2

Shrugs x1 (still can't decide between machine or barbell shrugs, machine sounds more convenient with lighter weight)

Shoulder (I still haven't figured out this yet, need help in here)
Shoulder Press x1
Lateral Raise x1
Rear Delt x1

Barbell Curls x2? (still can't figure out if 1 or 2 sets, biceps will be tired from chin-ups.

Triceps Extensions x2

Calf Raise x2

Abs (still can't figure out a better abs exercise)
Weighted Crunches x2

I still haven't figure out what exercises to do during the 5RM month. I was thinking in replacing some isolated exercises with heavy compound exercises (like only doing 2 sets of heavy Overhead Press instead of 3 different shoulder exercises) and still do 10 reps with Calves and Abs exercises.

I would appreciate any template, or your personal routine. This'll be my first time ever doing HST.

EDIT: Also, this might sound dumb but am I supposed to go to failure during the 15/10 rep weeks? Somewhere I've read you aren't supposed to. I already found out my 15RM, 15RM and 5RM.
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Hi Myrrhman,

Your routine looks very good. I don't train abs as single muscle group, Front Squats work them hard enough. If you want to train abs I would choose cable crunches or something like that because it allows you to easily adjust the weight.
You shouldn't train to failure most of the time but once in a while is fine.
My favorite exercises for Lats are One-arm DB Rows, Chins, Cable Rows and Machine Pullover. I choose two of them for every workout.
Why shouldn't I train to failure? I thought that I was supposed to work with the heavies weight in which I can do 15/10/5 reps, but still fail to do an extra repetition.
Why shouldn't I train to failure? I thought that I was supposed to work with the heavies weight in which I can do 15/10/5 reps, but still fail to do an extra repetition.

Each two week block you work up to your your RM for that rep range.

So if your 15RM for Squats was 60kg then your first two weeks of Squats could look something like this....

Mon 47.5kg
Wed 50kg
Fri 52.5kg
Mon 55kg
Wed 57.5kg
Fri 60kg
What happens if I, just an example, during my 15s cycle I work with my 15RM during the first day and try to increase the weight whenever I can? I thought this was how it worked.
No. Go back & read it again. For each rep range minicycle you work up to your max by the 6th training day. Each day of each rep range is a percentage of the max and the recommended reps/set. You should not got to failure on any training day, with the possible exception of day 6 of each mini cycle. So....

15RM's - 1 (or 2) sets for 15 reps
Day 1 - 75% of 15RM weight for each exercise
Day 2 - 80% of 15RM weight for each exercise
Day 3 - 85% of 15RM weight for each exercise
Day 4 - 90% of 15RM weight for each exercise
Day 5 - 95% of 15RM weight for each exercise
Day 6 - 100% of 15RM weight for each exercise

10RM's - 2 (or 3) sets for 10 reps
Day 1 - 75% of 10RM weight for each exercise
Day 2 - 80% of 10RM weight for each exercise
Day 3 - 85% of 10RM weight for each exercise
Day 4 - 90% of 10RM weight for each exercise
Day 5 - 95% of 10RM weight for each exercise
Day 6 - 100% of 10RM weight for each exercise

5RM's - 3 (or 4 or 5) sets for 5 reps
Day 1 - 75% of 5RM weight for each exercise
Day 2 - 80% of 5RM weight for each exercise
Day 3 - 85% of 5RM weight for each exercise
Day 4 - 90% of 5RM weight for each exercise
Day 5 - 95% of 5RM weight for each exercise
Day 6 - 100% of 5RM weight for each exercise

6 training days at the Day 6 weights of 100% 5RM for each exercise. Or negs.

SD for 9-14 days. Increase the weight for each rep range and repeat the cycle.

If you don't feel like you're getting enough work in the mini cycles, some use Myo-reps and shoot for a total number of reps for each exercise rather than a strict set & rep scheme.
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No. Go back & read it again. For each rep range minicycle you work up to your max by the 6th training day. Each day of each rep range is a percentage of the max and the recommended reps/set. You should not got to failure on any training day, with the possible exception of day 6 of each mini cycle. So....

15RM's - 1 (or 2) sets for 15 reps
Day 1 - 75% of 15RM weight for each exercise
Day 2 - 80% of 15RM weight for each exercise
Day 3 - 85% of 15RM weight for each exercise
Day 4 - 90% of 15RM weight for each exercise
Day 5 - 95% of 15RM weight for each exercise
Day 6 - 100% of 15RM weight for each exercise

10RM's - 2 (or 3) sets for 10 reps
Day 1 - 75% of 10RM weight for each exercise
Day 2 - 80% of 10RM weight for each exercise
Day 3 - 85% of 10RM weight for each exercise
Day 4 - 90% of 10RM weight for each exercise
Day 5 - 95% of 10RM weight for each exercise
Day 6 - 100% of 10RM weight for each exercise

5RM's - 3 (or 4 or 5) sets for 5 reps
Day 1 - 75% of 5RM weight for each exercise
Day 2 - 80% of 5RM weight for each exercise
Day 3 - 85% of 5RM weight for each exercise
Day 4 - 90% of 5RM weight for each exercise
Day 5 - 95% of 5RM weight for each exercise
Day 6 - 100% of 5RM weight for each exercise

6 training days at the Day 6 weights of 100% 5RM for each exercise. Or negs.

SD for 9-14 days. Increase the weight for each rep range and repeat the cycle.

If you don't feel like you're getting enough work in the mini cycles, some use Myo-reps and shoot for a total number of reps for each exercise rather than a strict set & rep scheme.

I really appreciate your feedback. There are a couple of things bugging me

1. I included some machine exercises with cables in my routine, and each every plate usually weights 15 pounds, some weight 10. I can't really add 5 pounds every work out. This could easily be fixed by doing non-machine exercises instead.

2. There are some exercises (dips, chin-ups) in which 15 reps bodyweight is my 15 RM. I don't know how to start off with my 75% with these exercises.

3. I still can't figure out how to traduce the shoulder exercises (shoulder press, lateral raise, rear raise), abs and calves exercises into my 5 reps week. Maybe I could do millitary press or OHP instead during the 5 rep week and still work within 10 reps with abs and calves exercises? I wouldn't isolate calves and I would actually do deadlifts instead, but I might have a minor herniated disc from heavy DLs and I rather visit a doctor first.

4. I might have to go to the gym tomorrow and check my new 15/10RMs (I already know my 5RMs) if I have to replace exercises. Could only resting for 6 days instead of 9 really affect my SD?

I will apply myo-reps into my training. Thanks a lot for the tip.
Bump. I'm rethinking the situation and I think I'll remove calf raises, the whole shoulder exercises (I might just either do overhead press or shoulder press instead).

I still can't figure out what to do with the machine exercises that have plates that weight 10/15 pounds, I can't really apply progression into that unless I noticeable deweight stuff, and that's the only thing bugging me out so far.

Also, how would you guys handle this situation: 15 bodyweight Dips and Chin-ups are my 15RM. How do I exactly start off with 75% my 15RM if it's my bodyweight?
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With regards to the age-old problem with bwt dips and chins, you have two real choices if you dont have access to an assisted chin-up and dip machine;
firstly, dont do chins or dips for the 15s - use pulldowns on a lat machine, (close grip ideally) to replace the chins, and a decline bench press to substitute for dips (similar line of movement)
Then move to chins and dips with progression for the 10s and above.

Or, second option would be to just do your max reps on both. Cheat, using your feet to assist you on the first few workouts, and then, when you are finally hitting 15 reps, try and increase the weight, however slightly.
If you are doing other back and chest exercises using good progression, it should all come togethor, and the lack of progressive loading on these two exercises shouldnt matter too much.

Just my input.
Hope it helps

Also, dont worry too much about shoulders, certainly in the 15s.
They will be worked enough with the chest and back and trap work.

Skullcrushers provide a better stretch, so that would be my choice.
Also, dont worry too much about shoulders, certainly in the 15s.
They will be worked enough with the chest and back and trap work.

Skullcrushers provide a better stretch, so that would be my choice.

You've answered most my questions, and I'm almost done with setting up my routine, all I have to know is if I'm dealing with zig-zagging in a good way. Can you check my routine in the last page, last post? It's a picture.
Zig Zag you have is fine.

With the D/B rows personally I would use the RM's more like this..

D/B Row
For 15's; 25,30,35,,35,40,40
For 10's; 35,40,45,,45,50,50
For 5's; 45,50,55,,55,60,60