Need help on setting up a 4 day routine


Active Member
Ok guys I have been just mulling around doing full body for past 3 months now. Nothing real serious, just having fun with not having a set plan. I have consider doing a upper body routine only and after a couple of trial and error session the joints just seem to hurt considerable.

I have pretty much been eating whatever I want which as made me bulk with some gains as well as midsection fat.

I am guessing I am at around 12% bodyfat right now?

That being said I am thinking of getting serious with nutrition pre and post workout and getting serious with another HST cycle.

I am thinking of trying 4 days a week routine vs my normal 3 days a week. My workout days will be 2 days during the standard week of monday - Friday and then I will us Saturday and Sunday as workout days. So there will be two days there that I workout back to back.

That being said do you guys have any recommendations for a 4 day routine.

Of course I am going to set up the routine with just the basics compounds and any iso's will be for abs and arms.

Thanks in advance and happy holidays!
actually if you work out saturday and sunday then it is 3 days in a row since you workout mondays.

If you want to increase the number of workouts in a week go with working our every other day. Monday, wednesday, friday, sunday, tuesday, thursday, Saturday, etc. That will give you an average of 3.5 per week and give your body enough time to recover in between workouts.
What about doing a push and pull routine?
Ex. push tuesday, pull thursday and then push saturday, pull sunday?
Personally, Joe I like a upper / lower type of split, many of us do a very hard leg workout which leaves us depleted.

But it is your choice.

As I understand it you said 2 days back to back 2 x week (Mon-Tue and Sta-Sun), that should be fine, try it and let us know.
Thanks Fausto,

Actually I will only work out back to back once per week.

For example.

I will work out Monday then Wenesday or Thursday.

However Saturday and Sunday will be back to back of course if I do this I will wait until Tuesday to start the routine back up.

I am with Fausto on this one and this is actually what I have been thinking all along was upper lower but I wanted everyone input!
(magnumfreak @ Dec. 21 2006,13:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you want to increase the number of workouts in a week go with working our every other day. Monday, wednesday, friday, sunday, tuesday, thursday, Saturday, etc. That will give you an average of 3.5 per week and give your body enough time to recover in between workouts.</div>
That's basically what I do, and if I miss one, it's no biggie. But Joe, didn't you just say that your joints were playing hell with you? It doesn't seem to me that adding a workout to your week is gonna help that.
That was from the extra volume that I was doing with the idea of upper body only routine.

I think that as long as I don't increase volume per workout, I can get by with more volume throughout the week.

However now I believe I am going to go with just upper lower upper lower split.

Total reps per workout will increase from 30 to 45 reps keeping total volume per week the same for 10's and for 5's it will be 30 reps.

For example dumbell bench press will be 4 sets of 10 reps twice a week.
Same for Back. I will drop total reps for shoulders to 30 reps and the same for arms.

Legs may get a little more volume until the weight gets real heavy!