need help setting up a myoreps routine during cutting cycle


so i started my hst journey about a year ago, weighing about 145 lbs at a height of about 5'9". 5 cycles later i have slow bulked to a little over 175 lbs. i have put on a decent amount of fat around my midsection and am finally planning to cut this next cycle. i dont know exactly, but i'd say my bodyfat is somewhere between 15-20%. i tried to eat as clean as possible, consuming about 3000-3300 cals a day, although when it was all said and done i probably only ate clean 2/3rds of the time. throughout my past 2 cycles, i began incorporating myoreps into my routine, first for just the iso exercises and then for some of the compounds. i really found them to be quite effective and especially time-efficient. i'm a little weary of cutting because i dont want to lose a lot of the muscle mass i've put on, but i figure if i cut properly i can maintain most of the muscle mass i've gained and look more cut. i want to set up my cutting cycle using myoreps, but am not quite sure how to do so. i've read a lot on myoreps especially by borge, the mastermind behind it all. the routine i've come across several times is as such...

Week 1: 20-25 20 performed as 20-25 + 5 + 5 + 5 -5 (5-10 breathing pause)
Week 2: 15-20 15 performed as 15-20 + 5 + 5 + 5 (5-10 breathing pause)
Week 3: 12-15 16 performed as 12-15 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 (10 breathing pauses)
Week 4: 9-12 15 constructed as 9-12 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 (10-15 breath pause)
Week 5: 9-12 15 constructed as 9-12 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 (10-15 breath pause)
Week 6: 6-9 10 performed as 6-9 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 (15-20 breath pause)
Week 7: 6-9 10 performed as 6-9 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 (15-20 breath pause)
Week 8: avlastningsuke / deloading see the next section.

however, i'm not sure how to tweak this for a cutting phase. i know that in hst during a cut, most advocate to skip the high rep work, aka 15s, and go straight to the 10s and 5s. should i just skip the first two weeks on the above and start at around week 3? also, how often should i workout per week? i almost feel like doing myoreps 3 times a week might be overkill, because you work so close to failure. should i set up a push-pull or upper-lower type routine? anyway, i need a lot of advice...hopefully you all can help. thanks much. by the way, the exercises i plan on using are...will possibly eliminate iso's while cutting

Squats/Deadlifts (alternated- using straight sets not myoreps)
Inc bench/Weighted dips (alternated)
Mil press/alternated with cable lateral raises and face pulls)
Bbell rows
Preacher curls/alternated with bbell curls
Close-grip bench/alternated with skullcrushers
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