Need help with HST program. Take a look !


New Member
Hey guys so I decided to start my HST program and here is my workout:

[TABLE="align: left"]
[TD]Squats, Deadlifts, Calf raise[/TD]
[TD]Incline Bench, Decline Dumbbell Flyes[/TD]
[TD]Machine Rows, Pull Downs [/TD]
[TD]Shoulder press, Front raise[/TD]
[TD]One-Arm Triceps Extension[/TD]

Please tell me what you think of it. I will not ad abs because I will work them seperatelly.
So please explain me now I have to start working out in 2 week blocks, with the first block doing 15 reps, the second 12 the third 10 etc ? And doing the max weight in the last workout of the block, according to the reps the block has ?
It would be kind of you if you would explain me a bit because I got a bit confused from the HST homepage and if you would give me some tips that you learned from HST training. Thanks
Hey guys so I decided to start my HST program and here is my workout:

[TABLE="align: left"]
[TD]Squats, Deadlifts, Calf raise[/TD]
[TD]Incline Bench, Decline Dumbbell Flyes[/TD]
[TD]Machine Rows, Pull Downs [/TD]
[TD]Shoulder press, Front raise[/TD]
[TD]One-Arm Triceps Extension[/TD]

Please tell me what you think of it. I will not ad abs because I will work them seperatelly.
So please explain me now I have to start working out in 2 week blocks, with the first block doing 15 reps, the second 12 the third 10 etc ? And doing the max weight in the last workout of the block, according to the reps the block has ?
It would be kind of you if you would explain me a bit because I got a bit confused from the HST homepage and if you would give me some tips that you learned from HST training. Thanks

Alternate squats and deadlifts
drop the calf raises
drop the decline dumbbell flyes
replace the pulldowns with pullups or assisted pullups and alternate them with chins or assisted chins
drop the front raise
replace the curls with chins or assisted chins and alternate them with pullups or assisted pullups
drop the tri extensions since they'll get plenty of work with the incline bench and shoulder press

Isolations are not neccessary. Trainng time throughout the entire cycle should be 45-60 minutes per session. Read the Simplify and Win thread and put it into practice.
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Alternate squats and deadlifts
drop the calf raises
drop the decline dumbbell flyes
replace the pulldowns with pullups or assisted pullups and alternate them with chins or assisted chins
drop the front raise
replace the curls with chins or assisted chins and alternate them with pullups or assisted pullups
drop the tri extensions since they'll get plenty of work with the incline bench and shoulder press

Isolations are not neccessary. Trainng time throughout the entire cycle should be 45-60 minutes per session. Read the Simplify and Win thread and put it into practice.

The design is correct ? The one with the 2 week blocks that im reducing by 1 or 2 the rep number in every block ?

I wouldnt like to do exercises with body weight because im heavy so what could i replace chin ups with ?

If I drop triceps, calves and the other exercises could you please tell me a plan that would be ok ?
Typically, the mini cycles are 1 x 15, 2 x 10 , 3 x 5. Your 15, 10, and 5 rep max should be determined for each lift and then 9-14 day SD

Workout 1: 75% 15RM
Workout 2: 80% 15RM
Workout 3: 85% 15RM
Workout 4: 90% 15RM
Workout 5: 95% 15RM
Workout 6: 100% 15RM

Workout 1: 75% 10RM
Workout 2: 80% 10RM
Workout 3: 85% 10RM
Workout 4: 90% 10RM
Workout 5: 95% 10RM
Workout 6: 100% 10RM

Workout 1: 75% 5RM
Workout 2: 80% 5RM
Workout 3: 85% 5RM
Workout 4: 90% 5RM
Workout 5: 95% 5RM
Workout 6: 100% 5RM

Chins & Pullups should be assisted if bodyweight or weighted is not possible. If you don't have access to a machine with assist, then you would do negatives with assist from a step or box until you can do them unaided.

The big compounds are suggested to keep training time to 45-60 minutes per session. So, squats, deads, bench press, overhead press, rows, chinups, pullup are the basics and hit all the major muscle groups.
Hey guys so I decided to start my HST program and here is my workout:

[TABLE="align: left"]
[TD]Squats, Deadlifts, Calf raise[/TD]
[TD]Incline Bench, Decline Dumbbell Flyes[/TD]
[TD]Machine Rows, Pull Downs[/TD]
[TD]Shoulder press, Front raise[/TD]
[TD]One-Arm Triceps Extension[/TD]

Please tell me what you think of it. I will not ad abs because I will work them seperatelly.
So please explain me now I have to start working out in 2 week blocks, with the first block doing 15 reps, the second 12 the third 10 etc ? And doing the max weight in the last workout of the block, according to the reps the block has ?
It would be kind of you if you would explain me a bit because I got a bit confused from the HST homepage and if you would give me some tips that you learned from HST training. Thanks

The routine looks fine to me. Its a little bit long-winded, as T-man pointed out, you generally want to have the workout last no more than an hour. If you can do all those exercises in one hour, then go for it. Compound exercises are ideal because they work multiple muscles simultaneously. Isolation exercises that only target one muscle and work one joint in motion, are FINE, and are great for hypertrophy. Hypothetically, if you had a huge amount of time and energy to workout, you could do your whole body with isolations and grow just fine, but we don't have endless time and energy, so compounds are superior for whole body workouts.

So it is not that isolations are "bad", they are just not time-effective. There are some guys that will tell you that isolations are not as "effective" and that is a load of baloney. You can work almost any muscle just as hard doing a single-joint isolation movement, as with a compound-multi-joint movement. For example, I could get big biceps by doing preacher curls, but I have a limited time to workout, so I do under-hand grip pulldowns/chinups, and work the latissimus dorsi and biceps brachi at the same time!

But if you DO have the time, then go ahead and do curls or calves or other isolations, as they are great at stimulating hypertrophy for the target muscle.