Need help with schedule


New Member
Hello everyone!

First post ^^

My name is kevin, im 20 years old, 5"7 and my weight is 152lb/s with ~ 11 - 12 % BF

I want to start HST because of the intensitivity of it, the tight schedule you work on, full body workout and the results!

These are the compound exercises i found

Dead lift
Barbell Bench Press
Military Press
Barbell Upright Row
Lateral Leg Raises

Do i need to add more? or do less? change exercises or what? don't be to hard im pretty new to HST :)
All tips and/or critique is appriciated!

Greetings kevin
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First you might want to consider alternating between Squats and Deadlifts, doing both the same day will hammer you when the weights get heavy. Another option is to Squat twice a week say Monday and Friday and Deadlift one on Wednesday, whatever you can recover from.

Unless you plan to powerlift I would ditch the Bench Press for Dips, which is a much better upper body mass building exercise than Flat Bench IMO. You might also consider adding in Incline Bench to work the upper chest a little more. Although like the Flat Bench it’s not a great mass building exercise it does seem to help build my upper chest which makes my pecs look flatter rather than angled down which in turn makes them look bigger overall.

Last you might want to add in a calf exercise. I’ve found that Barbell Calf Raises super-set well with Barbell Shrugs.
Thank you for your reply, as its filled with great information i really needed.
So its better to make an A workout day, and B workout day?
And if i do that, should i use diffrent exercises in A then in B? not only change squats / deadlifts?

If these are my exercises what should i do in A / B ?

Dead lift
Military Press
Incline Bench
Barbell Upright Row
Lateral Leg Raises

And in what order do i have to do them? the muscle i like the most are the triceps and pecs

And How about the schedule?

Lets say i do
Week 1 - 15 x2
Week 2 - 12 x2
Week 3 - 10 x2/3
Week 4 - 8 x2/3
Week 5 - 6 x2/3
Week 6 - 4 x2/3
Week 7/8 - 4 ( Negative reps ) x2/3

But if i can't do 15 Dips, then what? till failure is not the best option with HST ( Correct me if im wrong )
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Sorry I didn’t respond earlier but I was already running late for work when I saw you PM’d me.

I would only A/B the Deadlifts and Squats. I would do the other exercises every workout. You might get away with doing Squats and Deadlifts the same workout while the weights are lighter but once they start getting heavy you’d probably want to split them up. As for order I would do this:

Deadlift or Squat (A/B them)
Lat-Pulldown or Bent Over Row (which ever you feel weaker at)
Upright Row
Lateral Leg Raises
Incline Bench or Military Press (Bench if you want to emphasize chest Press if Shoulders)
Lat-Pulldown or Bent over Row (whichever one you didn’t do above)
Incline Bench or Military Press ( whichever one you didn’t do above)

Some people prefer to do Deadlifts last because of how much they wipe you out but I prefer to do them first when I’m the strongest and have the most energy. It’s really a matter of personal preference. As for the order I listed that’s just my preference. Generally you want to put the hardest compound movements first working toward the lighter compound movements and eventually any isolation movements. There are reasons to use different orders but for now I would keep it basic. It can also be a good idea to alternate between body parts so they get a rest before getting exercised again.

If you can’t do 15 or more Dips I would just do as many as you can stopping just short of failure. Then do anther set or even small cluster of reps again stopping short of failure. Keep doing this until you get to the same number of total reps as you are doing for the other exercises that workout. Also, progress the weight either 2.5-5 lbs., like most other upper body exercises. If you don’t have that much room for progression right now you can repeat weights a couple of times without a problem.

Your schedule looks good as long as you don’t mind the added bookkeeping complication of using all those rep ranges.

Again sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner, even though I was still logged into the site I wasn’t monitoring it or my email notifications.

Dear grunt11,

First of all i want to thank you for all the information you gave me in this short amount of time!
It is really helpfull for a beginner like me. Also it's no big deal that you responded a little later, i had to get my RM for 15 reps anyway! ( And since we live in diffrent time zones, i was already in bed :-P (GMT+1))
With the information you gave me i completed my excel sheet and it looks very great this far, thanks to you!

I will report back after my first cyclus of HST i really want to thank you for everything!

Greetings Kevin
Can I ask why exactly you want to do the rep ranges that way? Seems like it would keep you closer to your maxes each week and closer to burning out. There is no real advantage over your way versus the standard 15/10/5 setup. I would personally run it the normal 15/10/5 setup before I started tinkering with it.
My apologies for the confusion, this was something i have read from diffrent HST-members. But since they are experienced and i am still a beginner it is indeed better for me to stick with 15/10/5 for a while :)