need new shoulder routine


New Member
I use to always do shoulder presses. Unfortunately, an injury I created last December just won't go away. It is gone enough for me to do bench and other shoulder related compounds, but doing shoulder presses makes it feel funny, like i am about to injure it again.

I have been doing db side raises w/o a problem, but wanted to get others takes on what i should do now. i also do bent over side raises, as the back of my shoulders are underdeveloped in comparison to the front (something I thought was due to bf, but i got down to 10-11% and there was no change).
i have a shoulder injury as well (baseball) and i found through painful experimenting (haha) that i can use the smith machine to stablize myself to do barbell benching and mil press. However, i cant go fully down because my shoulder will pop or crack so i go to 90 degrees or a little bit less but never full rep. Dumbbells also for bench press and mil press are harder to go up at the same time, but there are ok is i still dont break 90.

So try a smith machine, use the magical 90 degree rule, and give mil press a try and benching (if you cant do it already). Also try arnolds at light weight to strength the rotator cuffs and shoulder.
home gym, no smith machine available. 90degree db presses still irratate the joint. maybe i will try light weight arnolds.

anyone else have other suggestions?
Yeah, I used to have shoulder problems too(wrestling). The doctor even recommended surgery...I turn him down with a big HELL NO! Anyway, I was able to heal my shoulders with certain strengthening exercises. I started with using a rubber band that the doc gave me. It was a thick piece of rubber (looked like a big flimsy straw) and I started doing some basic movements and rotations with it. The movements mimicked throwing a baseball and simple lateral raises. SLOW AND CONTROLLED was the key. Then, I upgraded to using very light plate weights (2.5-5lbs). And I did the same kinds of motions. You can lay on your side on a bench, keeping the elbow rested on your hip, raise the hand towards the ceiling (sort of a pimp slap).

If I were you, I would use those same small plate weights, and move your shoulder around in a controlled manner. The movements should manipulate regular shoulder positions. You see, the ball-and-aocket joint of the shoulder allows it to move 360degrees. There is no reason why you can't make up your own exercises. Just think..."what do i want my shoulder to do without any problems?" Then, do those movements starting with a very light weight and work your way up the weight stack.

p.s.-The above is also a way of warming up your shoulders, which is extremely important to the safety and health of the joints.
p.p.s- If you want to start lifting heavy with your shoulders to gain mass, I would need to know what kind of injury your shoulder has endured. Rotator cuff, ligament stretch, etc... (what does your doctor have to say?)

Do a search for this article, I have linked here in the past, else justr google it.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Cracking the Rotator Cuff Conundrum by Eric Cressey</div>

It is worth every line.
fausto, decent article. have you tried all of the exercises it listed? some seem odd and i would think they strengthen the joint, rather than add on mass.

i am concerned i will not be able to get the look of a nice rounded shoulder with db raises alone.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">think they strengthen the joint, rather than add on mass.</div>

The whole idea of the article is to strengthen the joint, I have had top stay off all pressing for shouders due to an injury myself, and I was doing so well...sniff...sniff...I managed to military press my bodyweight (seated).

The fact that you can do side laterals is good, combine with bent over raises and you hsould be fine + incline bench, hell you'll get your rounded shoulders!

Those exercises Eric mentions are worth doing to strengthen the cuff, mate!