Need some advice


New Member
I just finished 15`s, I only did one set per exercise (15 rep total), and it didnt feel any challenging at all.. my 15 RM felt alot lighter on the last WO that it did when I tested it before staring HST. but Im thinking about cranking the volume up to 20 rep total per exercise during the rest of the cycle just to hammer my muscles a BIT more, I know the volume should be adjusted according to how long you have been lifting.
Ive been lifting on and off for three years, but Im not that strong though ( 240 is my 10 Rm for deads and 170 is my 10 RM for inc. bench just to give you an idea of my level)

What do you think guys, should I keep a total of 15 even if it feels very light? (I tried low rep speeds btw) reps or go for 20? and maybe 25 for calves?

Heres my WO program btw.:

Dips/Inc. Bench presses
Chins/90 degree BB Rows
Calf raise in a legpressmachine
Reverse hyperextentions

And do you know of any good exercises which I can alternate with my delts a and calves?
You could alternate military press with push press or something like that. I do push presses on Weds and military Mon and Fri.

I would have started out at 20 total reps anyway if I were you, since you don't have a huge selection of exercises. Also, I think it would be better to pair up rows and bench with squat, and keep chins and dips with deadlifts. Rows are hell after heavy deadlifts but they don't suck as much after squats.
Why not also alternate reverse hypers with regular hypers? Might be neat. You have a really solid workout selection though, I like that.

As for calves, no idea. I don't work calves.
Thanks Totentanz, Ill follow your advice..

Your quite lucky that you dont have to work your calves, mine wont seem to grow no matter what, although I increase in strenght..