Need some advice


Active Member
I'm approaching the end of my 5th week of 5's.  Due to the fact that I'm still improving my form in ATG squats I'm still progressing in weight about 5 pounds per week.  At least I have been this far and I believe I will be able to add another 5 pounds next week.  But everything else has reached it's limit.  I can't progress anymore on incline, rows or overhead press.

So....should I call it a cycle and SD or should I try and keep using my maxes in the other exercises until my squat reaches it's limit?  I don't think I'm growing anymore except in my legs.  Which quite frankly need it more than anything else.  Or what about going back to the beginning of my 5 rep cycle on the other exercises and work back up simply to avoid over training?

I'm thinking I should just deal with the lost growth on my legs this cycle and do an SD after this week as I'm afraid I will start to regress in everything except the squat.  But I though I would see what some of you more experienced HSTer's might recommend.

Any suggestions are welcomed!  
You might still be able to grow for a little while without being able to progress the weight on your other exercises. RBE doesn't work quite that quickly, especially at heavier loads. You might stay at the exact same weight for another couple of weeks and keeping growing.

More importantly, how do you feel? Are your joints getting sore and achy? Are you a little lethargic? Do you still look forward to your workouts or are they getting to be a chore? You certainly don't want to get severely overtrained, so if you think you are even close to any of those symptoms then go ahead and begin your SD. If you still feel strong and energetic then keep progressing on your legs until you begin to tire a little.

It sounds like you are having a pretty good cycle!
My shoulders are a bit achy. Mostly my left one because I still have rotator cuff issues that will probably never be fully recovered. So the heavy incline benching and overhead presses are a bit bothersome. But I' don't think it's to a point where I would be risking an injury. rows don't bother me at all.

I did forget to mention that I'm also doing dips and neutral grip chin-ups. Usually just one set after all my other exercises depending on how energetic I feel. Sometimes I do them and sometimes I don't. But those don't bother me at all, although I'm not getting any stronger in those exercises either.

It has been a good cycle so far. I'm up about 8 pounds in 8 1/2 weeks. I put on a little bit of fat but not much (I've been fatter!
What's the rush Bulldog? If it's been a good cycle so far just SD and start over. 8lbs gained. That's great!

Apart from your legs it sounds like the rest of you is pretty well done. If you stop now you will enjoy being able to push your squats even further next cycle.
I was mostly just curious what others have done if they have had the situation where some exercises have reached their limit but they knew they could push one or two other exercises and continue to grow in those areas.

But I think you are probably right. It is probably time to SD. Especially with my shoulder issues. I would hate to think they were OK and cause more problems for myself. But I'll have to think about it a bit more and see how I feel after my last workout this week.

Thanks for the replies. Any other's are still welcome.

I am the type that always tries to squeeze a little more but with some cuff issues lingering
It is just not worth it!

After all as Lol puts it, not bad, 8 pounds in 8 weeks, that's a pound a week, if you have been hammering for long than that is good in fact!
I think your right Fausto. It's not worth taking a chance on messing my shoulder up again to keep pushing it. So I'm going to do my last workout tomorrow and call it a cycle.

Thanks guys!