Need some cutting help


New Member
I am at the point where I really need to cut about 25 lbs of fat. I have made some real nice size gains thanks to HST and my weekly test injections in my hrt program. However the whole cutting thing while keeping muscle has been real hard for me. Keeping track of calories is almost impossible for me because I am always on the go and never eat the same things from day to day. This makes bulking real easy but cutting sucks. But I may have found a solution and here it is.

My working out has rubbed off on the wife. I have agreed to go on a diet program with her. They provide 3 balanced meals, low fat and low salt. Everything is fresh and supposed to be really healthy. I will be going on the 2000 cal plan. I will have to add to it because I need more protein and if I cut that much I will loose muscle.

The food from the plan plus my 2 shakes per day, can of tuna, morning oatmeal, and bedtime snack will put me right around 3000 cals per day and very clean.

During the cutting I am thinking of just continuing the 5's w/negs or doing a 5x5 strength cycle 5 days a week.What if anything should I do for cardio?

Suggestions? Goal is to loose 2 pounds of fat a week for about 12 weeks and keep muscle and maybe even gain a bit.
ill keep my suggestions general as everyone has diff. likes/dislikes, strength/weakness, approaches etc.

i know its tough to log your meals but since 3 main meals are already going to be done i would try. it will help pinpoint a possible diet problem if your wgt loss slows or stops.

just like gaining you wont lose (gain) 2lbs a week each week. it may avg. that in the end but just dont overreact if 1 week it slows to 1lb or even a 1/2lb. as long as its moving down each week or 2.

keep the wgts relatively heavy and the rest short. some of the prog. you mentioned seem fine i just wouldnt expect to gain a lot of strength (over what you have now) from them as the cal reduction coupled with short rest is very taxing.

cardio....yes. there are a lot of prog. out there with both supporters and detractors and im sure youll get plenty of suggestions. my only input is to try some that make the most sense to you and evaluate your results from there.

take some pics and measr. to start. if things work out the way you want them to youll kick yourself for not doing it.

dont forget to adjust cal intake after a few weeks and some lost poundage or youll be moving closer and closer to maint. cals.

stick to your plan/goal. its mostly a psychological battle and as you get closer to your goal it actually becomes more difficult as you envisionage all the muscle youve spent months/yrs gaining disappearing with the fat. its just the cal deficiency talking. stay the course and in the end youll feel better about it.

good luck
I really love negs. I never did them till hst. I am really leaning towards doing 2 sets of 5 with my 5rm and then a final neg set while trying to increase the load a tiny bit each time like a 5x5. I will finish up each workout with some metabolic work as well.

Maybe if I get bored, I will take a week and do all negs for 3 sets, I have always wanted to see what happens there...

I love my food! So I could just start out with some basic cardio like the eleiptical and just add to it or increase time each week. That way, I could just keep the cals the same for the entire cutting cycle.
i feel you may need to incorporate both if you want to achieve 2lbs a week. i may be wrong as there are a ton of variablies that can go into maintaining wgt loss and i know almost none of yours. 2lbs a week is aggressive for most and a serious amount of cardio usually takes quite a bit of time.

but hey, if you like the idea then give it a try. let us know your results.

as a side note. my cardio usually consists of a variety of exer at a variety of pace's. others i know at the gym have stuck to just 1-2 exer and increased time as they went along. inevitably all reached a point of seriously diminished returns no matter how much time they spent on the same machines. since i was not affected i did no research on why this was happening but i suspect some degree of body acclimatization to just those 1-2 exer. at a rarely changing pace.

anyway, if your thinking a lot of cardio i would look into a lot of diff exer. at various effort levels both indoors and out.
My kid wants me to do another 5k or 10k race with him so maybe I can train with him a little when the fat loss starts to slow down.
Tabata is brutal....I mean extremely brutal.

I love it...but I am not sure how it effects CNS.

Talk to Fausto...I believe he has been doing TABATA for a while as well.

Lately I have been a wimp and I have been doing it with leg press...and not squats...just got tired of puking...hehe