Need some help/advice


Active Member
My current routine is a 3 day routine on Mon wed friday.

It looks like this

Chest 4 sets Back 4 sets

Shoulders 3 sets Legs 4 sets


Now I have been making least I feel I look better. My question is one I have asked before and got good feed back. My chest is my lagging group well by doing this compound routine with dumbells for it It looks better however my chest has grown has the rest of my body like shoulders so even though my chest is bigger due to other bodyparts responding well it still looks lagging. What should I do.

a) increase volume for chest even more??? I dont think this is the answer.

B) Decrease volume for other bodyparts and keep chest the same???

Or do you guys have a better recommendation?

I have been doing compounds only no flys or pec decs b/c I feel that they dont give much growth....should I start doing these?

Any imput would be great...I will try to post a pic for a better recommedation.

Thanks Joe.
try incoporating dips and or incline bench, they both made a noticable difference for me within 2 months.
It's a good idea to alternate the bench with weighted dips. Just make sure you don't do them the fitness gym way, you need to do full reps.
Thanks for advice...only problem is I cant due dips b/c of an old injury. I just started back doing them and well the shoulder area got agravated.

Here is what I think I am going to do for about 8 weeks and see what the result look like. Tell me what you guys think.


10 degree dumbell bench press for 5 sets.

Wednesday Hammer strength Wide press for 3 sets

Cable cross overs for 2 sets.

Friday same Hammerstrength for 5 sets straight.

Hammerstrength allows me to really pile on the weight.

Plus I feel it isolates chest better and its wide grip.
I would try a different exercise, make sure your elbows are out at 90 degrees from your body when you bench, this helped me develop my chest.
I'd drop the cable cross-overs. I can't see any reason to do them if you're trying to get bigger and stronger. I can't imagine they would burn many calories if you're cutting.