Need to adjust my HST cycle


New Member
Okay, finished my first week of HST, and I see I need to make some adjustments. Here is (essentially) what I did. Some of the exercises and rep ranges are not optimal, but with a host of injuries I'm working around, I have to do what I have to do.

I'll be doing 2 weeks at each rep range in the parenthesis.

superset x 2:
Bench Press (15/12/8)
JS Barbell row (15/10/5)

superset x 2:
High Incline DB press (15/12/8)
JS DB Row (15/10/5)

Superset x 1:
chin (rep + 0.5)
dips (rep + 1)

Machine Hip Squat, 2 sets (20/15/10)
SLDL, 2 sets (15/10/5)

curls, 1 set (15/10/5)
rope triceps pressdowns, 1 set (high reps until elbow feels better)
DB laterals, 1 set (15/10/5)

I tried doing this all in 1 workout, no fuggin' way. It takes too long, and that is WTIHOUT having to warm up. Once I hit the 5s and require warmups, I won't be able to do this at all.
Also, after supersetting the presses/rows, I'm trashed. I don't have anywhere near enough energy or wind to do legs, and I am in pretty good cardio shape.

I tried breaking it up into morning/evening workouts, but I'm still cutting my legs short. So I need to change things up. I am considering one of the 2 following training methods:

"Week" = 9 days (each bodypart gets hit 3 times in 9 days)

Day 1
superset x 2:
Bench Press (15/12/8)
JS Barbell row (15/10/5)

superset x 2:
High Incline DB press (15/12/8)
JS DB Row (15/10/5)

Superset x 1:
chin (rep + 0.5)
dips (rep + 1)

Day 2
Machine Hip Squat, 2 sets (20/15/10)
SLDL, 2 sets (15/10/5)

curls, 1 set (15/10/5)
rope triceps pressdowns, 1 set (high reps until elbow feels better)
DB laterals, 1 set (15/10/5)

Day 3

Day 4-6
Repeat Day 1-3, etc


1) An extra day per bodypart will allow me to recover a bit more so that workouts later in the "week" will be more productive
2) More energy for each workout, won't be as drained from earlier workouts
3) Less crap in one workout allows for an extra exercise or set where needed


1) Each bodypart gets hit every 72 hours instead of every 48 hours
2) Cycle involves 9 consecutive weeks of training before SD rather than 7. Might require an extra week of SD for a total of 11 weeks (9 training/2 SD) rather than 8 total weeks (7/1). Over course of year, 4 cycles can be completed rather than 6.
3) Involves training on the weekend, which is presently a bit difficult.

Option B:

"Week" = 7 days (each bodypart gets hit 3 times per week, 6 training days/week)

Day 1(M/W/F)
superset x 2:
Bench Press (15/12/8)
JS Barbell row (15/10/5)

superset x 2:
High Incline DB press (15/12/8)
JS DB Row (15/10/5)

Superset x 1:
chin (rep + 0.5)
dips (rep + 1)

Day 2 (T/Th/S)
Machine Hip Squat, 2 sets (20/15/10)
SLDL, 2 sets (15/10/5)

curls, 1 set (15/10/5)
rope triceps pressdowns, 1 set (high reps until elbow feels better)
DB laterals, 1 set (15/10/5)

Day 3-4
Repeat Day 1-2, etc


1) Less crap in one workout allows for an extra exercise or set where needed
2) M-W-F/T-Th-S allows for consistent bodypart "days" from week to week.
3) Each bodypart gets hit every 48 hours


1) Lifting 6 days/week is very draining
2) 6 days/week lifting might require 2 weeks off for recovery purposes, as well as actual SD purposes
3) Saturday workout will be difficult to coordinate (not at work)

so what's up. Anyone see any other possibilities here?
I don't see why that workout takes you so long. I've got more exercises and I'm done within 45 minutes easily. Take 30-60 seconds between supersets.
when I split things up, the workout is nice and short, 30 minutes or so. And with the supersets, I need it short, the 15-rep JS rows slaughter me, and I just can't bust it up with legs, I'm too tired.

It'd be easier to do legs each time, maybe what you should not do is to superset everything!

Use the supersets for what you think is lacking.

Separate quad and ham training by alternating. And do legs first thing - at least that works for me!

Simplify the workout down to 6 exercises max per day, specially if you are going to go 6x week route!

My two cents worth!
i superset the chest and back for time's sake, but it doesn't seem to be working, as I end up sucking wind for too long!
I think it'll be fine once I get to the 5-rep rows, but 15-rep JS's are fuggin' brutal
I cannot do legs and back in same workout, period.  the rows and DLs just don't work.  I MUST skimp heavily on one or the other.  I gotta pull them apart.
My biggest worry is if I do the 6-days/week is that I'll be too exhausted by the end of the week to have a good workout.
My biggest worry if I do the 2-on/1-off is that it'll take my 9 days total to finish off, and I'm not hitting the bodyparts every 48 hours, which is the point to all this.
doing deads and back on same day is just a no-go for me.  
Fausto, you are right though.  the supersets are done.  too tiring!  I end up sucking wind for as long as I would if I wasn't supersetting!  :P

I am giving some serious thought to alternating, as you suggested. RDL on one day, the machine squats on another.
i only superset with the isos ie: bis/tris and take at least a minute between compounds i can lift more weight and concentrate harder on the lift.i take 1 1/2 hours to complete my cycle with a friend.
yeah, no more supersetting the compounds, too dang exhausting.

supersetting iso is no problemo though, and I really like the idea of alternating leg workouts, i.e. do RDL one day, then the machine hip squats the other day, especially since I'm blessed from the waist down.

thanks for the advice.

hit 195x15, 15 today on the bench, easy money, then did JS Rows 165x15, 15 but instead of supersetting them, just did all the benches first, then the rows, and it worked out much better.