Negative sets of HST


New Member
So I am about to start my last week, the one with the negative sets.....

what should I be going for here? max load 100% strength?

or is this more of a winding down type week where i should be concentrating on perfect form at say 75% max weight I could handle?
105-120% load. You will need a spotter for certain exercises. Alternatively, do a search on the forums for other ways to do negatives using available equipment.
Your best best is probably to start negatives with a 3 RM load and then progress the load upward over time. Negatives take a while to get used to. Make sure you do some metabolic work or drop sets after the eccentric only sets.
Negatives are phenomenal for growth. They can be extremely dangerous if not done carefully with a good spotter.

I've never done a negatives cycle, but if I had a good training partner I would add them in, they are the highest hypertrophy stimulus you can get pretty much.
There are some you can do without a partner. This is one area where I feel machines shine - use two limbs for concentric, one for eccentric. Also dips, chins are a natural match for negatives. Smith machine can be very useful for negs as well.

I prefer to start with a 3 RM, do 3 full reps then get another 5-12 reps eccentric only. Then increment load upward until you get to where you cannot do any concentric reps at all. Obviously the key is to not go so heavy that you can't control the eccentric at all, because then you aren't really getting the tension from the reps.
Yeah, I could easily do negatives for dips, chins, leg press and calf machine using one leg. Push press then a negative rep would be killer for the deltoids I bet.