Negative what?

2 weeks.

Or if you don't want to do negatives, extend the 5s.
For some exercises negs fit in really well (like chins and dips) but for others they don't (like deads and squats). So, do them if you can but always be careful as you will be able to use loads around 2RM or higher.

For something like dips, I get to my 5RM and then I continue to increment (about 5lbs) every other w/o until I can't get 5 reps anymore (so I know my new 5RM). Then I might get 4 reps and a couple of negs. At the next increment I might get 3 reps and then do a few negs etc. Once I get to a load where I can only get two reps before negs for the first work-set I stop incrementing and stick with that. That is plenty heavy enough for me!
i dont use negs no training mate,i just carry on with 5s try to add weight and do a drop set.
Negatives are a good way to squeeze more gains out of your cycle once the 5s are no longer giving you strength gains. Do them on dips, chins, overhead press - you can also manage negs on leg extensions, leg curls and bicep curls if you want, but I'd just keep doing squats, etc at your new 5 RM rather than do negs with isos like leg ext.