Negs & extending


New Member
Here is my problem. I am just now wrapping up a cycle and I have 2 more neg workouts to go. The joints are starting to scream but I should be able to finish this week. I should really do a SD after I finish this week. But I am going on vacation the first week of Oct, so I wanna SD during the trip. I just need to figure out what to do next week. I was gonna just extend the negs but I dont think my joints can take it.

So what do I do next week?

Dropsets? All higher rep metabolic sets? Go back to my 15 rep maxes for a week? Suggestions...Ideas?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The joints are starting to scream</div>
Stay on the safe side and start SD now. No point risking permanent injury for the sake of 2 more workouts of heavy training.
I figure you could either maintain the weight you did last workout, or even go back a bit, to say your 5RM, and finish out the workout until you come to your holiday. Even if you don't grow at least you'll maintain until your scheduled SD. If you SD now and don't work out on your holiday, you might lose muscle over such a long break.
What about keeping the weights but cutting volume? If you're doing 3x/week do 2x instead. And/or if doing 20 total reps per exercise cut to 12-15.

If you're familiar with the &quot;madcow&quot; popularization of a periodized 5x5 it starts with a 4 week &quot;loading&quot; period. Then it &quot;deloads&quot; while increasing the weight used. It does this by cutting sets/reps such that volume is cut roughly in half.

So I'm thinking of applying a similar concept here. Cut back the volume some to get some relief while keeping the weights high.

It's something to consider.
drop to 5s or 10s for a week or two.sort of like deloading
throw in some metabolic work.
Thanks guys. I think I am going to space the rest of the negs 72hours apart rather then 48hours. Then spend next week doing metabolic work and figuring out my 15, 10 and 5 rep maxes for my next cycle. Then SD.