New and Check my First Routine

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Hi All,

First Thanks for all the knowledge dropping.

I´ve  been lifting for about 3 years now. I am 40 years old and fit.
I lifted in High School for footbal, but never really as hard as I do today.
I am in the best shape of my life. In my quest for more muscle mass,
I stumbled across HST and after reading up (I am a molecular biologist),
I was surprised to find 1. the extent to which this program has basis in hard core science and 2. the lively internet forum and support for this program.

Here is my first HST cycle which I started on Monday and in the order I performed it. Keep in mind that I am also a avid ( Rabid!) mountain biker, riding many races in the alps and my legs are very well conditioned, muscular and cut. I am 186 cm tall and 91Kg with about 13% body fat and eat accordingly.
My base caloric intake is about 3500 kalories per day on days when I do not ride and about 5000 Kalories on Ride days. Ride days are between 40 and 100 kilometers on a Mountainbike or Road bike. Starting Spring , I usually get in between 300-500 km a week on the bike.

Whaddayathink? Critique appreciated.


I have left the warmups out of this list for the sake of length

Flat Bench Barbell Press: 2 x 15 x 70 kilograms (Kg, Long Bar)
Dips with assistance machine set at 35 kilograms : 2 x 15 x 35Kg
Incline Dumbell Press: 2 x 15 x 20 kg (20Kg per arm)
Smith Behind the head seated Presses: 2 x 15 x 25 kg
Smith Shoulder Press: 2 x 15 x 25 kg
Lateral Raises: 2 x 20 x 7.5kg (dumbell per arm)
Bent Over Row: 1 x 20 x 70, 1 x 15 x 70 Kg
Lat Pull Down Behind the Neck : 2 x 15 x 58Kg
Lat Pull Down Front narrow Grip: 2 x 15 x 63 kg
Shrugs: 1 x 20 x 60 Kg, 1 x 15 x 80 Kg
Bicep Curl Long bar: 2 x 15 x 30 Kg
Tricep Skull Crushers: 2 x 15 x 30 Kg
SLDL: 2 x 15 x 70 Kg
Squats: 2 x 15 x 50 Kg

I was spent at the end of this, but I felt very good and not really exhausted.
Today, I am slightly sore, but I obtained the "fullness" in my muscles that I have read about. I am excited about my workout tomorrow, so I would appreciate any and all useful comments.


Ive completed a few cycles for HST. just some things I've noticed.

for the 15s : doing 2 sets is going to be REALLY tough.
but the problem I had was when I moved to the 10s and 5s, my growth kind of slowed down because I wasnt doing enough reps.

my routine now :
15s' 1 Set
10s 2 Sets
5s 3 Sets

this has helped keep the gains through out, however it is still not perfect...but thats another topic.
either way, Good Luck!
First, if you're the same Pierre Debs who wrote the dissertaion on MCM and DNA replication, NICE

Secondly, with all the pressing and pulling you could drop the direct Bi and Tri work.

Lastly, you will know if two sets are too much for you, if not then I say do em.

Good luck
Yes I am the Pierre Debs of MCM fame. How on god´s green earth did you come across my dissertation? I am baffled!

My arms did feel REALLY full actually they were rock hard afterwards, but I think the two sets are fine for me right now.

(drpierredebs @ Feb. 21 2006,14:15)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yes I am the Pierre Debs of MCM fame. How on god´s green earth did you come across my dissertation? I am baffled!

My arms did feel REALLY full actually they were rock hard afterwards,  but I think the two sets are fine for me right now.

Because I am the Pub Med Pimp.

Seriously, I was trying to track down some info on genetic transricption and it popped up in google. I barely even remembered it but it's not too often you see the name Pierre Debs, so it stuck in my memory.

You're a Molecular Biologist, hmmmmmmmmmm boy would I love to pick your brain for a few hours.
pick away! but first I am off to the gym for my 2nd 15 cycle.

If you don't mind a second opinion from another biologist (Microbiologist), here it goes:

In short I think you are overdoing it, your best bet would be to streamline things quite a bit, specially if you do that much biking!

For chest shoulders and back you are using 3 different exercises, that is unecessary, go for two and alternate them per workout.  
It iwll make progression a lot easier too! :o

I don't see chins in your list, any reason? Not that it matters that much as you are certainly doing enough pulldowns and rows, again use two (usually the most efficient).

I don't know about you but I am starting to seriously believe that HST needs to have the most efficient exercises only. After all at your age and being a scientist I am sure you'd opt for using the least to the best advantage right?

Another point is the frequency, it can vary but, is at best a minimum of 3x week, the volume too is up to the person, but having tried one set per bodypart I found it lacking, maybe at the 15's level it is OK, but for other schemes it will be seriously lacking.

So, as Dan says, if you can manage 2 sets during the 15's go for it, but don't say you have not been warned, it gets a lot tougher.

Delichani's approach sounds quite right,

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">15s'  1 Set /10s   2 Sets / 5s     3 Sets</div>

Dan says drop the bi's and tri's work, he is right, those will waste your energy now, but put them on later when the 5's come on, only according to Vicious, the best exercises ten d to be incline curls and skullcrushers.

Talking about Vicious here's a link to some real good stuff, pick specially the pimp my HST e-book which contains all the pimping techniques that technical people with large training would like to use.

Anyway, last just an opinion of your nutrition, again because of your biking and...depending oin your may want to keep those calories on the high side constantly, but...up to will find that if you not is the it up a notch and'll get it right!

Hi Fausto,

Thanks for the in-depth reply. Yes , I agree that it is best to stick with the most efficient exercises. Re: dropping the arm work- for curls I use the long bar and a wide grip to hit the outer biceps which are not really hit during the other movements. The Skullcrushers really give my long head tri a nice full feeling and I do them both at the end of my upper body routine with proportinally leight weights.

I just got back from the Gym and my second workout was pretty good. I managed to get throught the whole routine in 1.5 hours and according to my Polar s725, I burned 1200 calories. Yes, I know the Polar is not hyper-precise, but it gives me a good approximation of my work load.

It is impossible to zip through the cycle in my gym as people inevitably come up to me to talk, i.e. friends and participants in my spinning classes, I am also a Spinning Instructor. Today, a new member ask for some advice re: machines vs. free-weights, so that knocked 15 minutes into my cycle.

I am getting a very nice full body-fullness feeling (nice word construction huh) after the workout. I think as it stands I will stick with the 2 x 15 sets for the remaining cycle. If during the 10´s it gets too rough, I can always abort the cycle with a SD or re-adjust the weights.

Can you imagine a bunch of scientist discussing a topic normally reserved for the stereotypical muscle head?

Can you imagine Arnold and Lou discussing the activation of calcineurin and NFAT translocation into the nucleus?


Heya Doc

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks for the in-depth reply.</div>

No probs there! That is what I am here for, in between work that is, he, he, he, he....

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">dropping the arm work- for curls I use the long bar and a wide grip to hit the outer biceps which are not really hit during the other movements.</div>

That is the reason why I mention Chin ups (reverse-close grip with attached extra weight), you'll feel the biceps alright, if that is not good enough, hang from the bar for a couple of seconds, they will get hit alright! Just give it a bash, doc will ya?  

As an extra try to perform incline curls a-la Vince, the stretch is beyond pain, believe it!

here's the link:HST E-books

If you don't get it right drop me an e-mail and I'll send it to you:

Spinning? Enlighten me?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I can always abort the cycle with a SD or re-adjust the weights.</div>

No - just re-adjust weights that's all!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Can you imagine a bunch of scientist discussing a topic normally reserved for the stereotypical muscle head?</div>

As you will soon see, that is a frequent occurrence around HST, that is why I love it to bits. Ok sometimes the guys get a bit messy but that is not often

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Can you imagine Arnold and Lou discussing the activation of calcineurin and NFAT translocation into the nucleus?</div>  

Now, you got me! That is out of their league, maybe Dr. Franco Columbu yes, but Arnie and Lou..duuuh

Hey...keep going mate. Remember to try some chin ups and let us now how it feels
(Fausto @ Feb. 22 2006,08:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"></div>
I will try the chinups for the 15´s and the incline curls for the 10´s.

I´let you know about the chins on friday.

Spinning is basically indoor cycling. In germany one needs a certificate to do anything and most of the clubs will only hire certified trainers. Spinning is a great leg, glut, lower back, and cardio workout if done properly.

thanx for the ebook!

Did you manage to download it?

I was having problems to even open the page?

You may not be able to chin-up with weights during 15's (tough as hell)

But try them anyway.

Spinning - I see. Thanks
no I couldn´t download it. I meant thanks for emailing it to me which haasn´t happened yet

The chins will be performed without weights this time around.
I'm more interested right now in initiation and elongation factors but Ca2++ and NFAT are cool too. All seem to tie back to mTOR in some form or fashion anyhow.
I am still catching up on the physiology, but what I find absurdly interesting is the serum level of free amino acids effect on mTor and the effect on translation of myogenic specific gene products.

The ramifications of the elucidation of this whole Hypertrophy-thing for overall fitness, muscle building and not to mention regenerative medicine are HUGE.

Personally, through cycling, I have been trying to achieve a Sports Heart at the age of 40 and since discovering the HST/Hypertrophy systems, I have had to do a complete rethink of what I am doing by way of achieveing my goals.
(drpierredebs @ Feb. 22 2006,09:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am still catching up on the physiology, but what I find absurdly interesting is the serum level of free amino acids effect on mTor and the effect on translation of myogenic specific gene products.

The ramifications of the elucidation of this whole Hypertrophy-thing for overall fitness, muscle building and not to mention regenerative medicine are HUGE.

Personally, through cycling, I have been trying to achieve a Sports Heart at the age of 40 and since discovering the HST/Hypertrophy systems, I have had to do a complete rethink of what I am doing by way of achieveing my goals.</div>
I was just re-reading Proud's stuff on translation via nutrients this morning as a matter of fact.