new cycle upcoming - routine review


New Member
can someone review my routine
doing the standard 8 week cylcle (15x1, 10x2, 5x3)

i'm pretty dead after the 5s but i'm wondering if i need to add dips and chins? if so how many sets? do i subtract anything else?

should i substitute stiff leg deadlifts for normal dead lifts or leg presses, i joined a new gym so more options are available now

military press
stiff leg deadlift

Hi xarfox,

Sound routine. Although not essential, I would alternate dips with bench and chins with rows because I wouldn't want to miss out such fabulous compounds! Keep the others the same for your cycle and see how you get on. Unless you particularly prefer doing squats later on in your routine I would do them at the start when you are fresh. They need lots of energy when you are in the 5s. I would follow them with SLDLs. Then the rest is easy!

Do shoulders after back and chest as they will be nicely warmed up by then.
sounds good

i demoed a few of the ideas today

i did
bench x3
chins x2
dips x2
military press x3
row x3
squat x3
stiff leg dead lift x3
leg press x2
then ab stuff

i made pretty good time somehow, i think it was the power bar i ate before, i felt pretty good going in and rested, but in the long run might be a bit much

i dont see anywhere in the gym to do weighted dips, and my bodyweight isn't enough to make them hard so maybe ill just do them during 10s or throw them in at the end for fun
buy a dip belt. basically it is a belt with a chain on the front which allow you to put olympic weights on it.

They are around 30 bucks