New Cycle


New Member
I am setting up a new Cycle of HST. But it´s quite altered and I want feedback.
I did a cycle in november/december and I dont know how productive it was. I probably had too many exercises or too much volume.
This time I will cut it down seriously.

Stats might be interesting
Age: 25
Weight: 83 kg
Length: 173 cm
8 years of training (more seriously last 2-3)
1RM Max
Squat 150 kg
Bench Press 125 kg
Deadlift 190 kg

Worth to mention is that I am cutting since 2nd January (down 10 pounds so far) and will continue to do this during the cycle so I am not aiming for muscle growth this cycle. It is more of a "Try-this-out-and-see-how-it-feels-cycle".

So here is my plan (it is a rather short cycle and no SD since I dont want to SD on a calorie deficit, and also am in doubt of the effects of SD:ing)

Week 1 - 15s
Week 2 - 12s
Week 3 - 9s
Week 4 - 6s
Week 5 - 3s

Each week is 3 days training with cardio on some or all rest days.

I will use my RM maxes that I discovered from my previous cycle and estimate the 12s, the 9s will be about the same as 10s and the 6s will be about the same as the 5s and the 3s will be heavy as hell.

1st w/o of week i do my estimated X RM Max - some weight (5-10 pounds)
2nd w/o of week i do my estimated X RM Max
3rd w/o of week i do my estimated X RM Max or more if I think i can.

week 1
w/o 1
squats 95% 15RM Max
w/o 2
squats 100% 15RM Max
w/o 3
squats 100% or 105% 15RM Max

Each w/o i do these exercises:

2 sets Squat
1-2 sets Press Over Head
(alternating sets and order with bench press)
2 sets Standing Row
4 sets Calfes In Leg Press
(my calves can take more of a beating than the rest. This time in the leg press will also make me "catch my breath and recover" in the middle of the workout)
1-2 sets Bench Press
(alternating sets and order with Press Over Head)
2 sets Dumbbel Curls

(Yes, sets will stay the same at lower reps this cycle)

I wont do dips this cycle since I cant cope with too many press exercises. Thats also why I have fewer sets for Bench Press and POH. I also want to focus on my POH because I consider myself weak there.
I dont have chins this cycle since I want to focus on my biceps and dont want both Chins AND Row because then I would have no strength left for biceps.
And dont tell me my biceps will grow from only compound movements, they dont, they need extra attention, I have proven that to myself more than once.
(the triceps however grow from compounds)

Ok, so this will serve as a cycle to prevent muscle loss while cutting and to try to increase strength on maybe some exercise at least (if I´m lucky). And to give me new ideas to adjust for next cycle. The more cycles I do the better I will understand what works for me HST-wise.

Oh and one more thing, 100% of my RM Max does not mean super-ultra-hardcore-100% of what I can do. Its more like 100% of what I believe I can do in 2 sets with good form.

Any opinions?
Any feedback?

What do you think about it?
I will probably not do any drastical changes if you think something "sucks"
but I always appreciate advice.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">example:
week 1
w/o 1
squats 95% 15RM Max
w/o 2
squats 100% 15RM Max
w/o 3
squats 100% or 105% 15RM Max

That's pretty aggressive. One of the things about HST that I like is that you get results with less. If you can do what you propose, then do it. Personally, I wouldn't do it that way. I'd make my last workout 100%, progressing up to that, and not beyond.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">And dont tell me my biceps will grow from only compound movements, they dont, they need extra attention, I have proven that to myself more than once. (the triceps however grow from compounds)

I've found that to be true for me too.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ok, so this will serve as a cycle to prevent muscle loss while cutting and to try to increase strength on maybe some exercise at least (if I´m lucky). </div>

Dan Moore recently posted about this. It can happen. Good luck. I gained strength in the first two weeks of my cut, then lost it after that.

For cutting, I am doing a lot more exercises = more sets, plus cardio. Monitor your progress, and add sets if you need to over time.

That's the best I got for you!
(etothepii @ Feb. 22 2007,19:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">For cutting, I am doing a lot more exercises = more sets, plus cardio. Monitor your progress, and add sets if you need to over time.

That's the best I got for you!</div>
&quot;That's pretty aggressive. One of the things about HST that I like is that you get results with less. If you can do what you propose, then do it. Personally, I wouldn't do it that way. I'd make my last workout 100%, progressing up to that, and not beyond.&quot;

I didnt think really clear when i wrote these, the numbers are misleading. 100% means working weight that I can manage all reps without losing good form, so its near failure but I will probably not hit failure.
Yes its still more aggressive than recommended but since I wont SD since I dont want to interrupt my cut and I personally havent yet experienced effects from doing X reps on roughly 75% of X RM Max.
I will try a more vanilla approach the next HST cycle while bulking but not now, I dont want to risk losing too much strength.

&quot;For cutting, I am doing a lot more exercises = more sets, plus cardio. Monitor your progress, and add sets if you need to over time.

That's the best I got for you!

Ok, I guess you do it to burn more calories? Me myself I do high volume on a cut, I get tired and cant train well every workout then. Low volume could be ok if I try lifting heavier instead. (which is basicaly what I´m doing now)
Thats how I feel that I work.

Thanks a lot for the input
Snig, I did a cycle just like that except without the 3's. That close together, it's not necessary to zigzag; just go linear.
If you're bulking, you can be fearless, but if cutting, I'd start at a little higher weight and use smaller increments.
That's just my suggestion.
(quadancer @ Feb. 23 2007,01:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Snig, I did a cycle just like that except without the 3's. That close together, it's not necessary to zigzag; just go linear.
If you're bulking, you can be fearless, but if cutting, I'd start at a little higher weight and use smaller increments.  
That's just my suggestion.</div>
Did I understand you correctly?
When cutting you would start at a higher weight than when bulking?
(etothepii @ Feb. 22 2007,19:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That's pretty aggressive. One of the things about HST that I like is that you get results with less. If you can do what you propose, then do it. Personally, I wouldn't do it that way. I'd make my last workout 100%, progressing up to that, and not beyond.</div>
Im starting to rethink this advice..
maybe I should do as you say like this:
w/o 1: 90% RM Max
w/o 2: 95% RM Max
w/o 3: 100% RM Max
Just to be sure I will manage the weights with nice form

Yes Quad, this routine will give me no undulation at all I think.
Yes I did mean that, because for me, cutting and doing light weight seems to lose too much muscle along w/ the fat. So staying closer to a strength routine (higher weights) helps keep it. To go to your max, you would need smaller increments or just do weights twice before progressing.
When bulking, you're producing mitochondria and everything from the diet and there's less need for a zigzag. I should have said that you may need to zigzag if cutting, (easier to fatigue) but probably not when bulking.
And that's just how MY body responds; others may differ.
Yes I thought that was what you meant I just wasnt sure.
I also think you need to lift heavy when cutting to &quot;tell&quot; the body that &quot;the muscles are needed, dont catabolize them please