New HST cycle and questions about it


New Member
Okay so this is my 3rd cycle of HST. For this cycle I've added a few new things and I'm wondering what you guys think of it. I'm a bit worried that I'm doing too much on one day.

I'm setting it up like this

Week 1: 2 sets of 15
Week 2: 2 sets of 15, 12 at the end of the week
Week 3: 2 sets of 10
Week 4: 2 sets of 10, 8 at the end of the week
Week 5: 3 sets of 5
Week 6: 3 sets of 5
Week 7: 3 sets of 5
Week 8: 3 sets of 3

I use an A/B split where I squat every Monday and Friday regardless and deadlift every Wenesday. New additions to my routine are marked by ***

BB Rows
Pull Ups
Shrugs ***
Skull Crushers
BB curls

Incline Dumbells
Overhead Press
DB rows ***
Close Grip BP
Hammer curls

I felt that I had an imbalance in my push/pull ratio so I added a few more instead of simply doing pull ups one day and rows on the others. I would love some thoughts and opinions on my new new routine. Thanks a lot guys.
Looks pretty well balanced and as long as you don’t screw around shouldn’t take to long since your “A” workout, the longest, is still only 8 exercises. You might consider putting some sort of direct Hamstring exercise on you “B” workout to add some balance to your Squats and Deadlifts. However, if you use a wide stance for either of them that will also hit your Hamstrings pretty good.