New HST Cycle confused about the exercises to pick

Brian Griffin

New Member

I have 6 weeks before my holiday and wish to change from my current 4 day a week split routine, thought i would try HST.

However I am a little confused about the actual exercises, the sample workout seems to completely contradict the "Simplify and Win" thread. I understand that HST is a method (progressive overload and reps) rather than a straight workout plan however I dont want to either pick to few exercises or less efective ones.

I should also mention that I have a hip/pelvic issue and a collapsed arch in my foot which stops me from being able to do squats (well I can but I would have constant tendonitis if i did)

With this is have picked my workout using as many compounds as possible except i substituted Squats for 45 degree or lying leg press and pull ups for Lat pulldowns (I would not be able to get the 15 reps for pull ups)

Leg Press
Hamsting Curls

Incline Bench

Lat Pulldown
Seated rows

Shoulder Press
Reverse flys


Curls (alternate preacher with reverse grip curls)
Skull crushers

Would this be okay for an effective 6 week HST program

I am currently 5" 8 weighing 175lbs with a bodyfat of around 12% I am hoping to maybe get that down to 10% without losing too much weight

Obviously the holiday will give me a forced week of SD
that looks ok but why not alternate leg-press/curls with deadlifts,and drop reverse flys pulldowns/seated-rows should hit the rear delts ok.
Deadlifts give me a similar problem to squats unfortunately although if i am only doing one session a week it should be fine

Should i add some lat raises if i am dropping rear delts or just stick to overhead presses for the shoulders?
with the incline bench dips rows shoulder-presses etc your delts should be fully covered.