New Member here..


New Member
Hello everyone. Been waiting a looonng time for my membership to be approved so I could post..

I've been reading all the posts for since like December. I have been doing this routine. I just started the 10's on my second cycle.

Incline Bench
Lat pulldowns
military presses
upright rows
calf raises

for this cycle, I've done 2x15 and will be doing 2x10, 2x8 and 3x5 for an 8 week cycle. Does all this sound ok?

I've really seen some nice gains already from the first cycle. It's amazing how good this works. and I'm really shocked at how much my arms have grown not doing any isolation work on them.... for me, that was the one thing with this routine that i was skeptical about.. but I am a firm believer now!!

I am concerned with how much belly fat I've put on since doing this.. I was going to start to cut right after the 8's. It's getting warm outside finally and I don't wan to be a beached whale... I just wish there was a way you could add muscle without having to eat so much

anyway, I've been reading on here for so long I feel like I already know some of you guys.. You are all very helpful and nice, compared to that "other" forum out there...

take care.
I wish there was a way you could lose fat without having to starve so much...

The mesocycles look fine, but don't restrict yourself to 2-3 sets. Do as many sets as you can without further exhausting yourself for a later exercise that will use that same muscle.

Example, don't overload on the rows when you have to do the lat pulldowns still.

Speaking of your routine, your upper back is getting pounded. Take out one of the rows and you should be fine. Better yet, replace them with the all mighty dead lift!
Thanks for the reply. well, for now, my back really needs some work. but I'll definitely do that for the next cycle.

I do have a question though, when I do my sets, I always have no problem with the first set, but sometimes I have trouble getting the 2nd set done. Is this ok? I mean you are striving for PR's for each lift which is based on your first set so should I be concerned if I cant always finish the second set??
I usually just stagger the set (not sure if that's the right terminology) meaning, I do like 6, rest for 30 seconds, then do the other 4..
and now you have me worried. are rows and lat pulldowns too much? would that limit gains? or is it ok for the rest of the cycle... thanks.
I don't agree with Colby on this one, you are only doing two back movements which should be fine.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I mean you are striving for PR's for each lift which is based on your first set so should I be concerned if I cant always finish the second set??</div>
Me thinks you've misunderstood somewhere
The goal is not new PRs. The goal is too progressively load the muscle. WHen you planned your cycle you should have used you current rep max as the endpoint (Last workout) and progressively decreased the load in each preceeding workout. You shouldn't be hitting new PRs until your last workout(s).

100 Lbs 10 Rep Max

thanks for the input on the back exercises. On the other issue, I guess I wrote it wrong.. i did mean my max for that particular exercise withing the 10's, for example.

so, if i'm in the middle of the 10's and I can make 10 reps of the first set and not quite make 10 in the second set, is that ok? or am I using toomuch weight? then I tend to stagger the 2nd set, turning it into a 3rd set to get my 10.
(Dan Moore @ Mar. 11 2008,13:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I mean you are striving for PR's for each lift which is based on your first set so should I be concerned if I cant always finish the second set??</div>
Me thinks you've misunderstood somewhere
The goal is not new PRs. The goal is too progressively load the muscle. </div>
Yeah, Dan's right. Don't fall into the trap of looking at logs here and thinking that HST is all about PRs because everyone is just trying to get PRs all the time! That's just a consequence of wanting to measure your own improvement in a lift and I am as guilty of this as the next man.

HST is not about strength increases per se but it does happen to work very well for strength increases and if you are eating well and working hard you should see some good strength increases which will drive your ability to load the muscles more, cycle on cycle.
(SoxFan @ Mar. 11 2008,15:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Dan,
thanks for the input on the back exercises.  On the other issue, I guess I wrote it wrong.. i did mean my max for that particular exercise withing the 10's, for example.

so, if i'm in the middle of the 10's and I can make 10 reps of the first set and not quite make 10 in the second set, is that ok?  or am I using toomuch weight?  then I tend to stagger the 2nd set, turning it into a 3rd set to get my 10.</div>
No, that's fine. Obviously, the closer you get to your RM loads the harder subsequent sets will become. So, instead of two sets of 10 reps you might do 10, 8, 5 (who wants to do 2 reps with less than your 10RM?

I am a little bit surprised that you can't make 10 reps on the second set if you are only half way through a mesocycle. Are you using about 5% increments up to your RM workouts? If so, that would put you at around 85% of your 10RM which I would have thought would be doable for 2 sets of 10. Perhaps a little more rest between sets would help a bit?

No matter though, just cluster the reps as you are already doing.
thanks. well, where I went wrong is that when I went backwards from my RM, I didn't go back far enough. looking at it now, my first day on the 10's I'm already at 90% of RM... I guess I should be like 75 or 80 to start and move from there??

It just seemed too little of weight, but I guess that is the way the program is supposed to work.. oh well, live and learn..

but I like your 10,8,5 suggestion.