New Routine


New Member
I'd also noticed that i've only been taking in mainteance calories if not less. and carbs were VERY low. (1-1.5g per lb)
I'm starting a cutting cycle, where i will be carbs cycling doing daily cardio as well as a new routine.
I decided i'd lay it out for ya'll to see.

Cardio is as follows;

week 1 - 15 minutes
week 2 - 20 minutes
week 3 - 25 minutes
week 4 - 30 minutes
week 5 - 35 minutes
week 6 - 40 minutes
week 7 - 45 minutes
week 8 - 50 minutes

Diet is as follows;

Protein = 1.0 - 1.5 g per lb  (all week)

Fats = about 15% of my daily calorie intake


Sunday - 3 g per lb
Monday - 2 g per lb
Tuesday - 1 g per lb
Wednesday - .5 g per lb
Thursday - 2 g per lb
Friday - 1 g per lb
Saturday - .5 g per lb

Workout is as follows; 6 days a week,

Squat x 2
Dips x 2
Chins x 2
Milatary press x 2

is what i'm sticking to.

i'm curious what diff. would it make if i did 4-5 sets on a 3xweek schedule?

4 - 5 sets spread across a day or something like this?
OMR, I've looked at your post 3 times and still haven't found your question. That is probably why you haven't received any replies. Assuming your question is about your routine, it looks good if it is a 3X schedule. If it is a 6X schedule, I think it is too much, especially for arms.
I like that routine much better. I think you are better off at 6X per week rather than doubling the volume and halving the frequency to 3 times per week. In fact, if you could do just one set of each exercise twice per day, 6X per week, it would be even better, in my opinion.
hmm, that's not a bad idea i might do that. I like that.

I'm going to try that next cycle, i like that alot.

I can't wait to bulk again, i'm wondering what i've been missing out on i have not been eating enough!
Bryan what do you think about splitting the routine,

Squat x2
Dips x2
Chins x2
Milatary Press x2

into 2 workouts am and pm 6 days a week apposed to 6 days a week one workout???