new routine!


New Member
i have to give this a try as the workouts now are long and hard its becoming difficult to put full effort in all the time like doing squats after deads etc,i also believe im missing some essential exercises from my routine.

so body parts 2x a week:


2 sets incline db/bb
2 sets dec/dips
2 sets flat db/bb
2 sets military press db/bb
2 sets arnie or side laterals
2 sets rear laterals
2 sets shrugs
1 set of deads
2 sets rows bb/db
2 sets lat pulldowns
1 set of straight leg deads or hyperextensions if needed


legs (limited machines)

3 sets squats
3 sets leg press
3 sets calves

2 sets bicep chins
2 sets hammers/curls
2 sets tricep pull overs/french press
2 sets cgb

friday repeat mondays
saturday repeat wednesdays

training chest and back for instance will allow me to hit upper/center/lower parts in one workout this is key to getting the whole muscle,i no that if you load a muscle enough all fibres are recruted but i believe the chest/back in particular have to be hit at different angles,as we all no what would happen if we never did incline,and the back has multiple muscle groups!

anyway this is what im going with increasing the weight and dropping the reps as usual,legs however will start at a much higher rep range as im begining to feel this works,and as you know legs carry us about all day long and can handle the reps.
Icars: I see where you are coming from but it seems like a lot of exercises just to get your body covered twice a week. I think I would rather alternate between two different full-body workouts and then use Saturday for all the 'extras' that I didn't get in during the week.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">as you know legs carry us about all day long and can handle the reps</div>

Well, yes, but only through a very limited range of motion. They can certainly handle the reps but I'm not sure that that means lighter loads are better. It's funny but my calves only responded well once I started going really heavy and reducing the number of reps I did each set.

I am beginning to think that what tends to happen during heavy load sets is that form begins to suffer so the stresses change and usually the TUT drops off too.

This cycle, during 5s, I am going to also do a set of my 10RM too rather than a high-rep burn set and see how that goes.

Anyway, your results have been great so far so I am sure you have thought about this routine carefully.
Look ok...its not increased frequency...but you are not looking to increase frequency.

Therefor if I understand your goal you are looking to specialize more on each muscle group...I understand that however I am not sure if the research backs it up???

Anyway routine looks solid too me..I am sure you will make great gains off of it...if anything I am not sure I would do the same amount of sets for shoulders as chest...they are already getting hit by chest you could cut back a set there if you wanted too.

You know what now that I think about it let me refut my claim about science not backing it up. Actually I believe Dan has some great studies on this...over at his site...and I believe he recommends twice a week. I believe he states its just as good as 3 times a week.

You may want to get his opinion on this.

by the way...I bet your gains are good on this program!

I feel a little too much exexrcises p/bodypart, If I was doing it I'd reduce:


2 sets incline db/bb (Upper chest)
2 sets dec/dips (Lower chest)

Shoulders (I think it is OK as it splits up as 4 x 3 - some would say mil press is enough just do more sets - perhaps yes/perhaps not - I'd leaver it so see)

2 sets military press db/bb
2 sets arnie or side laterals
2 sets rear laterals
2 sets shrugs

Back (This also looks fine as one hits more legs the other more back)

1 set of deads
1 set of straight leg deads or hyperextensions if needed
2 sets rows bb/db
2 sets lat pulldowns



legs (limited machines)
(why squat and leg press
Almost same movement IMO, I'd rather do lunges which I am doing and is going well)
3 sets squats + lunges (superset)
3 sets calves

Arms ( I see the trend 2 sets for each biceps and triceps)
2 sets bicep/chins
2 sets hammers/curls
2 sets tricep pull overs/french press
2 sets cgb

friday repeat mondays
saturday repeat wednesdays

Although it could work well, specially ifyou are going over to the &quot;dark side&quot; (don't get caugfht in that web please
), it &quot;smacks&quot; of HIT quite a bit, but to try and see IMO is the best way of deciding!

Good luck!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Fausto, doesn't this look similar to Dans routine?</div>

Joe, I have no idea, haven't seen Dan's routine yet. I guess he'd be the best to handle that comment, right?

I was just correcting it according to what i think it should be and to take out unnecessary exercises!
i think im gonna give it a try,most decent training programs yield similar gains some better than others.
i see what your saying about chest but feel 8 sets a week for chest aint enough.

@lol,legs well i guess its down to the individual as we all have different numbers of fast twitch slow twitch fibres and how we train them defines how much we gain,to be honest this cycle i decided to incorparate 25 20 15 10 5 reps into my routine but with a twist,id do say 2 sets of squats at my normal hst rep sheme then id do 1 set of 30 or as many as i could do(basically high rep set) and found that my legs responded well to it,so i might even incorperate that into my next cycle.calves need lots of hammer to respond imo so im gonna cain em good.
@fausto squats and leg press are(depending on feet position)similar yes but i wanted 2 heavy compounds for legs as there arent anyother machines in my gym,i may give lunges a shot never done them before i didnt like the look of em.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">may give lunges a shot never done them before i didnt like the look of em. </div>

They have been working for me as a superset straight after squats, they feel better with dumbells, take a weight that feels heavy enough but allows you to go all the way down (front knee almost touching floor).

It firs gave me doms like crazy, then started to give my thigh some definition, I must confess I enjoyed that.

By the way your contribution and LOL's about higher frequency for legs seems to be the way to go (for some of us of course as you mention the amount and type of fibres we have differs between individuals), I will give that a shot for my next program, may even top my current one as I am approaching 5's.

By the way, how do you keep the progression then? Do you keep adding slowly whilst avoiding failure? Do you stay at 10's during the 5's or 15? Intersting to see what you do!
my workout increments for most body parts,reps go down in 2(ish)eack week so 16,14,12,10 and so on till i reach 4's then i do either negatives or full 1 rep max's for a week with some metabolic work thrown in.legs go down in a similar fasion but just start off with higher reps i usually stop @10's but do some heavy low rep leg work for a week along with my 1 rep max's.this is recent and i have to say im liking it.

i think joe.muscle mentioned,my  new workout  routine was to put more emphasis on each muscle group,yes this is exactly it.
(Joe.Muscle @ Jun. 11 2006,21:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Actually I believe Dan has some great studies on this...over at his site...and I believe he recommends twice a week. I believe he states its just as good as 3 times a week.</div>
Well no, I recommend no less than 2X week and no more than 4X week, based on whole body workouts with ample volume. If volume is reduced then more frequent workouts can certainly be entertained, if volume is increased then less frequency may aid in recovery of strength, training to failure/not to failure plays a significant role as well.

What lcars is doing is a high volume/HST split, it has worked in the past and I am sure it will again. If he notices his strength not recovering enough to increase loading then I am sure he knows what to do
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">reps go down in 2(ish)eack week so 16,14,12,10 and so on till i reach 4's t</div>
these are reps? how much sets are you doing?
and are you clustering your reps ?
Dan, forgive me for being wrong...I thought I had read a intermediate routine from you guys site that was a upper lower upper lower split?
Fausto said: <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">By the way, how do you keep the progression then? Do you keep adding slowly whilst avoiding failure? Do you stay at 10's during the 5's or 15? Intersting to see what you do!</div>

I am going to keep the 10 rep weight constant throughout the 5s and increment the 5s as per usual. At the beginning of the 5s I will be using a load that is the same as my 10RM. So, on the first day of 5s I will do 3 or 4 sets of 5 and finish with a set of 10 if poss (avoiding failure). If I don't make the 10 reps I will reduce the weight slightly for the next w/o but try to keep it as close to my 10RM weight as possible. So there won't be any progression in the weight for the 10 reps. It's just to help me keep the total reps constant(ish) and the overall work-done increasing each workout.

This came about as a means to get 30 reps for each mesocycle. I don't have the time or inclination to do 6 sets of 5s for each exercise!
(Joe.Muscle @ Jun. 13 2006,18:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Dan, forgive me for being wrong...I thought I had read a intermediate routine from you guys site that was a upper lower upper lower split?</div>
You did, the intermediate program I wrote uses a split but note the number of exercises and sets for each. So I'm not saying your were wrong in that 2X is &lt;=&gt; 3X, where you got a little confused is .... I don't recommend 2X for everyone, it's based on the variables used, where you are at in your loading and how it then effects your ability to recover strength. So it's based on what you are doing overall.
Posts: 148
Joined: Aug. 2005

Member Rating: 3.6

Posted on: Jun. 11 2006,12:12

i have to give this a try as the workouts now are long and hard its becoming difficult to put full effort in all the time like doing squats after deads etc,i also believe im missing some essential exercises from my routine.

so body parts 2x a week:


2 sets incline db/bb
2 sets dec/dips
2 sets flat db/bb
2 sets military press db/bb
2 sets arnie or side laterals
2 sets rear laterals
2 sets shrugs
1 set of deads
2 sets rows bb/db
2 sets lat pulldowns
1 set of straight leg deads or hyperextensions if needed


legs (limited machines)

2 sets squats
2 sets leg press
2 sets calves
2 sets lunges

2 sets bicep chins
2 sets hammers/curls
2 sets tricep pull overs/french press
2 sets cgb

friday repeat mondays
saturday repeat wednesdays

did this routine this week and loved it,finishing up tomorrow,i dropped the sets during legs to 2 sets and added 2 sets of lunges,one thing i noticed was being able to really concentrate and hit the desired muscles with full effect,im gonna run it for 8 weeks total and see how it goes but judging by this week its gonna be good.
workouts take an hour with training partner before it took one and half hours.
(lcars @ Jun. 11 2006,12:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i have to give this a try as the workouts now are long and hard its becoming difficult to put full effort in all the time like doing squats after deads etc,i also believe im missing some essential exercises from my routine.

so body parts 2x a week:


2 sets incline db/bb
2 sets dec/dips
2 sets flat db/bb
2 sets military press db/bb
2 sets arnie or side laterals
2 sets rear laterals
2 sets shrugs
1 set of deads
2 sets rows bb/db
2 sets lat pulldowns
1 set of straight leg deads or hyperextensions if needed


legs (limited machines)

3 sets squats
3 sets leg press
3 sets calves

2 sets bicep chins
2 sets hammers/curls
2 sets tricep pull overs/french press
2 sets cgb

friday repeat mondays
saturday repeat wednesdays

training chest and back for instance will allow me to hit upper/center/lower parts in one workout this is key to getting the whole muscle,i no that if you load a muscle enough all fibres are recruted but i believe the chest/back in particular have to be hit at different angles,as we all no what would happen if we never did incline,and the back has multiple muscle groups!

anyway this is what im going with increasing the weight and dropping the reps as usual,legs however will start at a much higher rep range as im begining to feel this works,and as you know legs carry us about all day long and can handle the reps.</div>
Yah it kinda seems like overload to the point your just going to get exhausted...but mabe im wrong
one thing you have to remember is that all those exercises and sets add upto what a normal split routine would contain,you also have to take into account how long a persons been training which for me is a while.