New to all this and have a few questions.:)


New Member
So, i'm new and very excited about getting started. I'm 18, 6'2 and I weight around 156. I'm pretty skinny I think. I have a really high metabolism. Would having a high metabolism hurt my gains at all?

Also i'm a little confused about changinf the weights after a period of time. Like 15,10,5? I'm lost.

Thanks in advance.:)
Welcome me123

High metabolism will be to your advantage, eat well and train problem!

It is simple, although you should do some reading the FAQ comes to mind

Here's the take:

Workout your rep maxes for each rep scheme, 15, 10 and 5's respectively and for each lift, recommend you stick to basics, refer to simplify and win thread, it is one of teh sticky's, plenty recommendations there as well as programs.

After you RM's, workout the program, by going back from your RM 6 times, reducing 5% each time (6 workouts over two weeks), do the same for each rep scheme, for after 5's either repeat or work to your 2 RM or so but perform 5 reps.

Hope this is somewhat clear.
so for each rep scheme you just add more weight which only allows you to do (for example) 5 reps? but isnt the 5 rep range getting into strength training?

You really need to do some reading, please download teh FAQ e-book and read it through all you need is in there, and well explained for that matter!

It is not as if it only allows you to do a certain number of reps, perhaps that case you would reach on the last day of a rep scheme, which would = your RM, then youmight be restricted al the other 5 days you would be traing at a sub-max, but you keep to that rep scheme, make sense?

Now yes, 5's is indeed in the strength range, however HST takes you thorugh all the ranges, first the strengthening range where lactic acid and the joints get a good high rep range that protects for latter bigger weights, then the so called hypertrophy range the 8 - 10 range, then the strength range which also spills some hypertrophy as a secondary side effect.

But lets not get into technicalities, go read up and then you will understand!
Welcome, HST rocks. eat clean while gaining and you will thank yourself later when your cuts will be alot easier(if u even need to do them). Good luck with your first cycle, and dont feel weird in the gym when your first week or so of 15's is so light you feel self conscious, stick with it, its worth it.
(me123 @ Oct. 24 2008,12:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">so for each rep scheme you just add more weight which only allows you to do (for example) 5 reps? but isnt the 5 rep range getting into strength training?</div>
Not matter what rep range you are in, you still continue to have a &quot;progressive load.&quot; I don't look at 5's as strength training. I look at the weights as progressively getting heavier. 5's just happen to be the rep range where the progressively heavier weights fall.

Progressive load is a foundational concept in HST that plays a strong role in hypertrophy. It's more eloquently defined in the FAQs and strickies that Fausto mentioned.