New to HST. 1st cycle, newb questions


New Member
Hello everyone! I happened to stumble upon this while searching through and couldnt be happier. I am definitely excited to start my first cycle and see what I get out of it.

A little about me. Im 28, have lifted on and off for about 3 years now. Im in the Army so most of my consistent lifting has been done during deployments. I never had my diet right or been on a set routine. Went to the gym as many days as I could, i followed a guidline that most newbs do. Chest/tris mon, back/bis Tuesday, ect ect with little bit of legs mixed in there. I had ok gains when i first started but have realized they minimal compared to what I could have had. I have always thought I am a super hard gainer. Have tried so many supplements I cant even remember them all.

OK so here is what my routine is going to be for my first cycle. It will be an AM/PM split M/W/F. I read in the FAQ ebook that it is best, especially for fat loss. I dont plan on really doing any cardio during this cycle as I dont want it to interfere with muscle gains. Please look at this and see if it is ok. I am considering rotating SLDL, Squat once I hit the 5s.

Flat BB Bench Press
DB Press

BB Row
Upright Row

I also read of someone doing 2x15 weeks 1-2, 2x10 week 3, 1x10 week 4, 2x5 week 5 and 1x5 week 6 does that sound right? Or is the volume to low on weeks 5 and 6?

I dont know how to attatch the calculator I have filled in so you can see my 15,10,5 RM so I will list them here and see if they are going to zigzag to much.
Bench 15x155, 10x175, 5x195
Squat 15x145, 10x185, 5x245
BB Row 15x115, 10x135, 5x175
SLDL 15x145, 10x185, 5x225
DB Press 15x35, 10x50, 5x55
Upright Row 15x45, 10x75, 5x110

Now from my understanding with squat, SLDL and bench i would raise by 20lbs on the days I do 5 reps, is this correct? Would you also do mesocycles for Abs also?

Pre workout meal for my morning workouts, could that be whey, casein mix, with 2.5g of creatine, and the 7 tsp of dextrose? Would that suffice for giving me enough energy?

Supplements I have or are on the way:
ON Whey
ON Casein
ON Creatine

I know I have more questions but I think this is enough for now. Any and all advice will help, Thanks!
Starting my first cycle tomorrow. Am very anxious. Do you think it is OK to do SLDL, Squats and flat BB Bench/dips on an AM/PM split? Or should I rotate the exercises? Also how many sets is best per week? I saw a post that had 2x15, 3-4x10, 4-5x15 and have seen the basic 1x10, 2x15, 3x5. Which one is best?

I have done all the calculations and adjusted it to weeded out the zig zaging I had going on.
OK guys havent gotten any response to my questions, maybe its in the wrong section? I dunno?

I am going to start a journal now. So I assume this needs to be moved to that section.

Today was my first day of HST. I didnt do my AM/PM split today as I thought. I did a PM workout. Wednesday I will start the AM/PM for sure. Have started to count calories today I am 5'6" 165lbs (light clothing and sneakers) last time I weighed myself. The scale at the gym broke so i dont have a way to measure. I didnt do any measurements yet. I will do those tomorrow evening and see how well this works for me. 32/48/21 P/C/F, is my ratio so far for the day with 1937 cals. I havent added my post workout shake to that yet and cant find dextrose on the site (Fitday) to add that, which would change the ratio. Do this look ok? I am limited as to what I can choose from to eat being here. Most the time it is very hard for me to find a lean healthy meat. The make boneless skinless chicken breast about 3 times a week.

Today I could definitely tell the SD had worked. I only did a 7 day SD cause I had just picked weight training back up after about a 4 month gap. I didnt feel anything with my first set of bench so i decided that I will do 2x15 for these two weeks unless otherwise suggested. Felt great to be back in the gym though!

Flat BB bench 2x15@105lbs
squat 2x15@115lbs
chins 1x13 body weight, 1x6 body weight with 3 negatives after
db press 2x15@20lbs
SLDL 2x15@75lbs
decline sit-ups 2x30

Any critic/input is appreciated
If you are looking to bulk I think that 1937 calories will be too little, considering your weight and the calories burned on the workout. Regarding the dextrose, 1g of dextrose is 1g of carb which in turn is 4 cals.
Well that was before I had dinner, I should be upwards of 2600-2700 right now after that. Had shrimp stir fry with about a cup of rice and peppers. I might hit 2800 if i get hungry and eat something later in the eve. I think that is good for me. I have a very hard time losing weight if I try. I have to be in extreme calorie deficit to lose anything. Hoping HST will help.

OK great thanks, I will factor that in. How many grams would a normal tea/table spoon be? I dont have any measuring tools so I use a full scoop of a plastic spoon.
You should really try to get a better way of measuring portions. Sometimes you deviate from the planned calories (to more or to less) because of measuring errors. The ideal solution is to get a kitchen scale and weight everything. That being said, a tea spoon of dextrose should be around 5 grams.
Oh I know my measurements are not 100% accurate. I have no way of measuring like that here or monitoring the way the food is cooked either. I know they use a good bit of vegetable oil to cook with, so i try my best to pick whats healthy