New to HST and have a few questions about setting up the routine


New Member
Hello all,

I have been lifting for quite a while now and have tried with many different 4-5 Day per week isolation "bro splits". I've had success with these training styles to certain degrees but have recently been experimenting with high frequency + low volume training styles and have had the most success by far. The only problem is that I have basically been going to failure with as much weight as I can for 2 sets per muscle group on a Push/Pull routine where I train every other day. This works amazingly until I start getting strong, then I feel like I am just wearing myself out and over-taxing my CNS from the constant intensity of training this way.

This brings me to HST which seems to have exactly what I am looking for in a routine: High frequency, low volume, and planned progression (not hitting failure constantly). So I checked out the eBook and Spread Sheet and have a couple of questions:

- What is the significance of training 15,10,5,5 for the rep ranges? Is is acceptable to train 12,8,5,5 instead? This is my preferred rep range

-I entered my information into the HST Spreadsheet. One of my lift maxes is 335lbs, and I set the first week rep range to 12. At the end of the first two week cycle it tells me to lift 250x12, which is about where my 12 rep max is, but at the beginning of the cycle it tells me to start at 145x12??? This seems WAY too light..... According to the eBook I am supposed to start around 75% of the lift max, which would be around 190lbs.. Why the discrepancy?

Thanks for the help
12.8,5,5 is fine. Screw the spreadsheet, it must be messed up, starting at 75% of your RM is fine.