New to HST and i dont fully understand one part of it...........


New Member
So are you supposed to increase the weight for each exercise every day?

So start on Monday and Wednesday will be heaiver for each exercise then Friday will be even heaiver for each exercise etc?


Yes. It's the progressive load principle. After you find your 15/10/5 rep maxes you set each 2 week block up (6 workouts total) at your lightest weight and in increments work to the RM weight at the 6th workout. You can use the percentages below to set up your entire HST cycle. Most have come to the consensus that using weights lower than 75% of each RM isn't beneficial.

Workout 1 75%
Workout 2 80%
Workout 3 85%
Workout 4 90%
Workout 5 95%
Workout 6 100%

Example. Say your 15 RM for bench is 100 lbs. To set up this 2 week block simply start the 1st workout

Workout 1 75 lbs
Workout 2 80 lbs
Workout 3 85 lbs
Workout 4 90 lbs
Workout 5 95 lbs
Workout 6 100 lbs

Hope this helps and Good Luck!
Yes. It's the progressive load principle. After you find your 15/10/5 rep maxes you set each 2 week block up (6 workouts total) at your lightest weight and in increments work to the RM weight at the 6th workout. You can use the percentages below to set up your entire HST cycle. Most have come to the consensus that using weights lower than 75% of each RM isn't beneficial.

Workout 1 75%
Workout 2 80%
Workout 3 85%
Workout 4 90%
Workout 5 95%
Workout 6 100%

Example. Say your 15 RM for bench is 100 lbs. To set up this 2 week block simply start the 1st workout

Workout 1 75 lbs
Workout 2 80 lbs
Workout 3 85 lbs
Workout 4 90 lbs
Workout 5 95 lbs
Workout 6 100 lbs

Hope this helps and Good Luck!

Hello, I just wanna ask if this guide that you've just describe is another variation of HST? Because what I did is this:

Week 1-2: I sticked in a certain weight for 15 reps
Week 3-4: increased the weight and stick on it for 10 reps
Week 5-6: increased the weight again to make 5 reps
Week 7-8: increased weight for negatives
Week 9-10: strategic deconditioning

Im I doing a right thing? Thanks for input.
It's hard to comment because you haven't told us of the:
- exercises used
- frequency of your workouts
- full body or splits?
- percentages of your workload during that time.

But, yes that is still progressive loading from what i can tell. However, you run the risk of increasing CNS fatigue by working at max reps every week. Which is what HST is structured to avoid.

Basically the quicker you hit CNS fatigue. The more time you have to spend resting and less time training (inducing hypertrophy).
It's hard to comment because you haven't told us of the:
- exercises used
- frequency of your workouts
- full body or splits?
- percentages of your workload during that time.

But, yes that is still progressive loading from what i can tell. However, you run the risk of increasing CNS fatigue by working at max reps every week. Which is what HST is structured to avoid.

Basically the quicker you hit CNS fatigue. The more time you have to spend resting and less time training (inducing hypertrophy).

Hello, sorry for incomplete info. btw, I workout gym every MWF doing full body workout each time. My exercises are:

Chest: Bench Press; Inclined Dumbell Press
Back: Lat Pulldowns; Bent over Rows
Shoulder: Military Press; Seated Dumbell Press
Traps: Upright Rows; Barbell shurgs
Quads: Squats; Machine Press
Biceps: Dumbell Curls; Hammer Curls
Triceps: Skull Crusher; Dips

Hope that you can comment on these. Im currently on my SD. :D

Example. Say your 15 RM for bench is 100 lbs. To set up this 2 week block simply start the 1st workout

Workout 1 75 lbs
Workout 2 80 lbs
Workout 3 85 lbs
Workout 4 90 lbs
Workout 5 95 lbs
Workout 6 100 lbs

The principle is progressive load. The practice (generally) is to augment the weight each workout, as in Tdawg's example. I would recommend that you add at least 5 lbs for upper body exercises, and 10 lbs for lower body exercises, every time you go to the gym.

Speaking of lower body exercises, where are your squats and deadlifts...?
Example. Say your 15 RM for bench is 100 lbs. To set up this 2 week block simply start the 1st workout

Workout 1 75 lbs
Workout 2 80 lbs
Workout 3 85 lbs
Workout 4 90 lbs
Workout 5 95 lbs
Workout 6 100 lbs

The principle is progressive load. The practice (generally) is to augment the weight each workout, as in Tdawg's example. I would recommend that you add at least 5 lbs for upper body exercises, and 10 lbs for lower body exercises, every time you go to the gym.

I see, so basically, workout 1-6 should be finished within 2 weeks right? Then on my 3rd and 4th week, should I increase my poundages? Say for example as per your illustration, workout 1 is 75lbs, then my workout 1 on the 3rd week will be 80 lbs or should I stick with the same poundages until deconditioning?

Speaking of lower body exercises, where are your squats and deadlifts...?

I have squats on my leg workout but I didnt include deadlifts yet. I will after my SD.

Week One
Monday 75 lbs
Wednesday 80 lbs
Friday 85 lbs

Week Two
Monday 90 lbs
Wednesday 95 lbs
Friday 100 lbs

Increase the weight each time you workout.
Week One
Monday 75 lbs
Wednesday 80 lbs
Friday 85 lbs

Week Two
Monday 90 lbs
Wednesday 95 lbs
Friday 100 lbs

Increase the weight each time you workout.

Got it. Thanks!! One last question, on week 3 monday, should I go back to 75 lbs, x 15 rep since I reached my 100% on workout # 6 or i'll continue on 105 lbs?

And can you specify the rep ranges on your illustration please.

Your info is very much appreciated.

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Week One
Monday 75x15
Wednesday 80x15
Friday 85x15

Week Two
Monday 90x15
Wednesday 95x15
Friday 100x15

Week Three

Monday 75% of your 10RMx10
Wednesday 80% of your 10RMx10
Friday 85% of your 10RMx10

Week Four
Monday 90% of your 10RMx10
Wednesday 95% of your 10RMx10
Friday 100% of your 10RMx10

Week Five
Monday 75% of your 5RMx5
Wednesday 80% of your 5RMx5
Friday 85% of your 5RMx5
Week One
Monday 75x15
Wednesday 80x15
Friday 85x15

Week Two
Monday 90x15
Wednesday 95x15
Friday 100x15

Week Three

Monday 75% of your 10RMx10
Wednesday 80% of your 10RMx10
Friday 85% of your 10RMx10

Week Four
Monday 90% of your 10RMx10
Wednesday 95% of your 10RMx10
Friday 100% of your 10RMx10

Week Five
Monday 75% of your 5RMx5
Wednesday 80% of your 5RMx5
Friday 85% of your 5RMx5

Got it. Thanks again for the help and patience. :D
Hi. First post here, so I didn't really want to start a new thread. Hope you don't mind me hijacking this one. Anyway, this 50 year old is on his first cycle. So far, loving it. Here's my question, I'm going to be starting my second week of 10' there any detrimental value to doing three weeks of 10's, then three weeks of 5's. I hate when people take a good program then bastardize it, so that's not what I'm looking to do. I won't be able to do the negatives (I train alone), so I was wondering if this was a viable option. Or, should I just do two weeks of 10's, then four weeks of 5's? What do you guys think will be more beneficial? Thanks for any replies.
Hi. First post here, so I didn't really want to start a new thread. Hope you don't mind me hijacking this one. Anyway, this 50 year old is on his first cycle. So far, loving it. Here's my question, I'm going to be starting my second week of 10' there any detrimental value to doing three weeks of 10's, then three weeks of 5's. I hate when people take a good program then bastardize it, so that's not what I'm looking to do. I won't be able to do the negatives (I train alone), so I was wondering if this was a viable option. Or, should I just do two weeks of 10's, then four weeks of 5's? What do you guys think will be more beneficial? Thanks for any replies.

do 2wks of 10s,2wks of 5s,then do another 2wks of 5s but try to up the weight,or if you do 3x5 try 4x5 or 5x5.
do 2wks of 10s,2wks of 5s,then do another 2wks of 5s but try to up the weight,or if you do 3x5 try 4x5 or 5x5.

Thanks for the reply. That's just what I'll do. I like the sound of 4x5. I've cut down the program to 7 exercises for the 10's. I taking out curls for the 5's. This will allow me to complete each session of 5's without it being a marathon. Thanks again. I appreciate your time.
Thanks for the reply. That's just what I'll do. I like the sound of 4x5. I've cut down the program to 7 exercises for the 10's. I taking out curls for the 5's. This will allow me to complete each session of 5's without it being a marathon. Thanks again. I appreciate your time.

no problem.
try uping the weight first if you can,and then you can use that new RM in the next cycle,but if you cant up the weight and cant or dont want to do negs,the next best thing is to add more TUT/reps,dont worry about fatiging because your SDing after.