New to HST... Limited to mostly machines only.


New Member
Long story short, I am 230 pounds, 5'9" with a 30% BF. Out of shape and with limited access to free weights... Pretty much stuck with machines. I was wondering if HST could be done solely with machines and, if so, how does this program look for the first 2 week stretch?

Leg Press

Leg Curl

Chest Press

Lat Pulldown

Overhead Press


Standing Dumbbell Curls

Tricep Extension

Calf Raises

Also, am I understanding properly that I should begin each 2 week cycle with 70% of my RM and increase it to my max as the 2 weeks progress?

Thanks for any help!

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Yes, machines will work just fine. There are some lifts with free weights that are more preferred but the key here is progressive load and enough frequency. There are actually some machines that I really enjoy using for some lifts when I need a break from using the barbell. But... for your purposes, you will be fine. The routine looks good. I would say that if you feel up to it to go ahead and attempt a second set on the major lifts but don't worry too much about that part. Yes, start at 70% and increase over the course of the 2 weeks until you hit your max.

Let us know how it goes.
Thanks for the hasty response! I'm hoping to see a bit of fat loss along with this, but I'm really going for more lean mass gains. I figure cutting will be easier once I put on some more muscle. I'll keep you posted.