new to HST. Please help critique my program. Volume, no of exercises, and cutting q's


New Member

Me and my buddy are new to HST but have been training forever.
We bulked for a few months and made awesome gains. Then we discovered HST and just completed our first 6-week cycle. We were hitting PB weights all round for the first time in ages.

However, we have been using a very complicated program compared to what Ive read about on this forum.

Just some numbers to give you an idea of where we both stand- 6"1 (185cm).
Started out at 82kg, bulked standard style till 84kg, did a 6 week HST cycle and got up to 88kg. Currently sitting at 88kg about 14% BF.
Just had a week of strategic deconditioning leading up to a cut.

Now were doing a 6-week HST cutting cycle, then getting back onto the normal HST routine.

Now, the important stuff. Ive got 3 questions hoping you guys can tell if im doing these right or if id see bigger gains doing it differently:
Amount of exercises

What weve been doing is this:
Training every second day. We have been changing the reps every single session.
So in a 2 week period we will do 12-rep day, 12-rep day, 10-rep day, 8-rep day, 6-rep day, 6-rep day.
After the two weeks, we started over. Jacking up the weights on each day compared to last fortnights log.
We saw massive strength gains over the 6 weeks.

Then we discovered standard HST usually does 15 reps for 2 weeks, then 10 reps for two weeks, then 5 reps for two weeks.

Question is- is there any issue with doing it the way we are? I read somewhere that sticking to 15 15 10 10 5 5 is jsut to simplify things, and that its not ideal. We did really well with our daily change of reps, and saw big gains. Is there any reason to stop doing it that way?

Amount of exercises
As mentioned our reps changed every day 12,12,10,8,6,6.
We do a lot of exercises compared to a standard HST routine.
I believe our conditioning is pretty good, as is our endurance.

On 12-rep day our program takes us about 70minutes.\
On 6-rep day it takes us about 45 minutes.

We do the exercises back to back without any rest for the whole routine.

Example of what we did last week when still bulking:
2 x pullups
2 x bench press
2 x shoulder press
2 x weighted dips
2 x weighted chinups
have a 2min rest and drink
2 x close grip back pull (cables)
2 x rear flys
2 x skullcrushers
2 x bar curls
2 x squats

As you can see weve been doing about 20 sets a session.
Approximately 2 sets of 2 exercises for each muscle.
Core and traps on off days when we get a chance.
Only one leg move.

Any problem with doing that many? On 12-rep days it takes us about 70mins.
On 6-rep day about 45mins.

Too many exercises? Just having trouble letting go of so many exercises and leaving it at one for each body part.

So weve completed our first 6-week HST cycle and done well. However we were bulking beforehand, and have put on too much fat. Just started a 6-8 week cutting cycle, and hoping to keep doing HST during this time.

Did a fair bit of research on the forum, and elsewhere, and this is what I gathered the best cutting HST program to be like (sticking to our normal HST program outlined above in terms of reps etc).

Still plan to change reps every session, but less reps. 10, 10, 8, 8, 6, 6. Thats each day in a 2 week cycle. Repeat 3 or 4 times depending how the cut is going.

Pulling out unecessary moves to really bring down time.

Day 1:
2 x Pullups
2 x Bench Press
2 x shoulder side raise move to front then lower and reverse
2 x Weighted dips
2 x Weighted chin-ups
2 x Wings high pull with a bar
2 x leg raises on machine

Day 2:
2 x abs weighted decline crunch
2 x incline bench press
2 x Shoulder Press
2 x skullcrushers with bar
2 x back pull close grip on machine
2 x weighted chin-ups
2 x squats

So ive brought it down from 20 sets to about 14. The reps are lower too.
I plan to alternate between the two, matching up with the rep schedule.


Monday- Day1 10reps
Wednesday- Day2 10reps
Friday- Day1 8reps
Sunday- Day2 8reps
Tuesday- Day1 6reps
Thursday- Day2 6reps

Does this look ok? Please criticise and help me out. Im still new with HST, and realise what ive been doing is slightly different and more complicated than others, but I did it for 6 weeks and it worked well, saw big gains.

Thanks in advance.
(Probably call it load progression)

There are probably a thousand ways to use the hst principles in ones set up. As long as youre increasing the loads, fine.

Amount of exercises

There is nothing that says it isnt okay. As long as you dont burn yourself out. Personally Id probably cut out a few of those exercises. Perhaps do more volume for eqch exercise or take more rest in between.


Just lift heavy. Drop the Amount of sets. Dont go too all out for new PRs either.
There is some evidence of late that suggests changing reps every day is a bit superior to every two weeks. I tried it but found it harder to get my loads correct so I switched back to changing reps every two weeks or so.

70 minutes of training over two days is not too much volume. I do not like long workouts so I would personally split it over the two days but that is just a personal choice.

Your amended workouts are too upper body concentrated. Legs are the core to building functional strength. Deadlifts?

Get rid of some of the single joint exercises and replace with more compounds increase the effectiveness of your workouts.

Read the HST book if you have not already done so.

Have fun!

Old and Grey :cool:
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As O&G mentioned your workouts are super upper body focused, do you have naturally monsterous legs? If not you will start looking imbalanced soon.
If you don't want big legs, not working them out won't affect your upper body strength for the most part. Obviously you'll miss out from deadlifts, but that myth of squats being centric to a strong and powerful physique was burst a long time ago.

If you do want more a more rounded physique, frankly, you can easy manage squats/leg press in your routine.
Yeah been noticing as of late im looking pretty imbalanced with my chicken legs. Didnt think the upper would grow so fast though, thought i could get away with it a bit longer :p

Thanks for all your replies guys.
Ok i think what ill do then is stick with changing the reps up every day. Just wanted to make sure it wasnt a definite no-no.

Also ill throw in some deadlifts into the amended cutting program. Theyre a fair bit shorter than previously so ill just add them on.
but then again is there any point starting deadlifts now when im calorie restricted? If the ideas maintenance is there no point starting it now?

Should i jsut continue to do the squats that i was doing before, holding onto the same weight, and then when im back to a bulk add deadlifts in and fix it up to do some more legs?
There is some evidence of late that suggests changing reps every day is a bit superior to every two weeks.

Indeed there is, as far as strength gains go.


Comparing Linear Periodization (LP) with Ondulatory Periodization (OP), and with Control Group (CG) performing no resistance training.

The OP and LP models in the RT were efficient in promoting
improvement on the variables analyzed during 12 weeks; however,
the LP only obtained better responses than the CG in the 1RM test
of the TE exercise and MVIC of EF, but did not promote improvement
in MT of EF, while in some analyzed parameters, the OP was more
efficient when compared with the LP. Additionally, based on the
ES data, the OP was more efficient in promoting increase in the
1RM loads of the exercises which started the session and in the
MT of the EF and EE. Based on such results, we are able to confirm
the initial hypothesis that the OP is more efficient in increasing
the strength levels of exercises which start the session and on the
muscle hypertrophy in the initial phase of the training when com-
pared with the LP.

(see the PDF for the workout setup etc.)

This says nothing of the efficacy of HST combined with SD, and of long-term success etc.
ATG squat at its finest...
