New to HST.. please help with A/B routine


New Member

I just started doing HST workouts 3 days ago.. and today did my second workout following the HST guidelines, it's going awesome so far! I figured I would post up the routine I've designed and see what you all think about it.

Backround: I'm a 23 year old male and have been lifting on and off for the past 4 years. I'm currently in the military and am able to train 5 days per week. Personally, I think my back and rear delts are lagging behind in mass compared to my chest/legs, and am hoping this new program will help with that. I've never tried full body workouts but so far I feel confident that this routine will help me put on some serious mass.

Here's my routine:

1. Squats 1 WU 2 Working sets x15 reps

2. Incline DB bench 2 sets x15 reps

3. DB fly's 2x15 reps

4. BB Rows 2x15 reps

5. Pullups 2x15 reps

6. DB shoulder press 2x15 reps

7. Shrugs 2x15 reps

8. Rear Delts w/ DB 2x15 reps

9. Preacher Curls 2x15 reps

1. Deadlift 1 WU set/ 2 working sets x 15 reps

2. Incline Bench press 2x15 reps

3. Upper back rows(Machine) 2x15 reps

4. Pull Downs 2x15 reps

5. Military Press 2x15 reps

6. Rear Fly's 2x15 reps

7. Dips 2x15 reps

8. Bicep curls 2x15 reps

I alternate these 2 routines on a MWF schedule. So they run A B A B A B A B A B A B. On Tuesday and Thursday I do cardio/abs/calves/hamstrings.

I've been reading a lot about HST for the past week, I read most of the stickies like keep it simple, but I feel like I need the isolation exercises to catch up my lagging body parts( back, rear delts). My total workouts usually last about an hour, and I'm fine with that. So overall, is there anything I should add/ delete from this routine? Thank you for any input you may have.

EDIT: Forgot to add, being in the military I am required to do Physical Training MWThurs but it usually consists of cardio/abs/pushups. Will this effect my HST routine?
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EDIT: Forgot to add, being in the military I am required to do Physical Training MWThurs but it usually consists of cardio/abs/pushups. Will this effect my HST routine?
As long as it’s not enough to hurt your lifting when things get heavy then the only thing I would make sure of is that you’re getting enough calories for all the activity. The one effect I will have is on your SD period. Doubt there’s any way around that.

BTW exercise selection looks good. There’s nothing wrong with doing isolation exercises if you know you need them. If your workouts start getting to long you can always cut back or drop some of the isolation stuff as long as your compound lifts are heavy enough to give those muscles a good workout.
EDIT: Forgot to add, being in the military I am required to do Physical Training MWThurs but it usually consists of cardio/abs/pushups. Will this effect my HST routine?
It shouldn't. As I recall, PT was mainly for cardio. It didn't do much for us 18 and 20 year-old kids, but it was a killer for our overweight NCOs...

I doubt it will even affect your SD much.
Cool, thanks for the replies fellas. Yup PT is mainly cardio, but we also do pushups and ab workouts too. I didn't think it would effect it but thought I would ask anyways. I'm definetely getting enough calories, I try to eat at least 3000-3500 cals/day. I'm loving this program so far.