New to HST Please help with my workout.


New Member
I am ready to start an HST program. Please help me with my routine. I plan on doing this 3 times a week. I have a feeling that this workout plan that I came up with is going to involve too many sets and or exercises.

38 years old
218 lbs

Thank you.

Barbell Incline Bench Press 15 x 2

Barbell Bench Press 15 x 2

Dip Machine 15 x 2

Dumbbell Shoulder Press 15x2

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15x 1

Dumbbell Rear Delt Row 15x 2

Dumbbell Shoulder Shrug 15x 2

Dumbbell Bicep Curl 15x 2

Romanian Deadlift 15x 2

Smith Machine Squat 15x 2

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown 15x 1

Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown 15x 1

Cable Triceps Pushdown 15x 2

Leg Press 15x 2

Calf Press On Leg Press Machine 15x 2

Seated Calf Raise 15x 2

Dumbbell Side Bend 20x 2

Ab Crunch Machine. 20x 2
Wow that’s one hell of a lot of work for a single full body workout. If you really must do all those exercises I would, if time allows, break it up into an AM/PM split. Still the sheer volume is likely going to kill you when the weight gets heavy.

From what I’ve gathered searching the internet for the last year the best exercises for hypertrophy are the following:

Chin (supinated grip)
Shoulder Press
DB Row
BB Shrug
Bench press

Personally I would ditch the Bench Press unless you want to powerlift since the Bench Press is really a crappy exercise for hypertrophy. If you must do a variation of the Bench then IMO Incline Bench is better. To balance out this list you might also want to add:

Side Lateral Raises
Calf Raises
Glute Ham Raises, Romanian Deadlift, SLDL (if your lower back can tolerate one of these because for most people their hamstrings and glutes are underdeveloped compared to their Quads)
Abs work (Side Bends, Crunches, Hyperextensions) but I don’t think you will benefit much from these if hypertrophy is your goal, I would use these as assistance work for powerlifting or Olympic weightlifting.

One big thing to consider when designing a full body routine is to find exercise that hit multiple muscles at the same time. This reduces the amount of fatigue each workout generates and also lessens the time necessary to complete the workout. In short try to pick compound movements that give maximum impact with minimum reps/sets.