New to HST Please help


New Member
Hello guys I am new to the forum and new to HST. I have a few questions before I start my new program.

First off I am a football coach who is looking for something I can do 3 times a week no longer than 40-45 minutes and still gain. In the past during the season I always tried to just maintain.
 But I am no longer a spring chicken and the strain and long hours of a football season kinda wears on me. Also my knees kinda hurt after 3 hours a day on the practice field plus lifting and running. So I have cut squating out of my program.

So my first question is this how important is the 7-9 days of sd? I really have not lifted hard for the last couple of weeks do to fall camp and the start of the season. I took off from excercise completly Thursday-Monday is this enough?
I also would like someone that is knowledgable of the HST program to view my program and tell me ya or na.

I will lift on M-W-F rotating workouts a and b. I also will jog 30 minutes on TU-TH. Going with the 1x15,2x10,3x5.

Incline BB
BB Rows
Front Millitary
Lat Raise
Leg Press
Sleg DL
EZ Curl
Brain Crushers

1x50 calvs 1x50 situps

Bench Press
Decline DB
Wide Grip Pull Down
DB Shoulder Press
Front Raise
Leg Extension
Leg Curls
DB Curls
Tricep Pushdown
1x50 Calvs 1x50 Sit ups

Thanks For any help.
PS My wife is having a baby any day so that may be a good time for a little SD.
Hello Lizard- welcome to the Forum and HST! I have a few comments- I'm sure others will chime in as well

1. First off, even if you've been lifting "sort of off and on" and the like for the past several weeks, the SD is critical- don't skimp on this! Five days (Th-Mo) isn't enough. Besides, it does sound like you're about to have an enforced SD anyway - relax, enjoy, and congratulations

2. Overall your program looks good- I'm a fan of cardio, and it sounds like you're placing it well. Your set/rep scheme is good as well, although you might think about adding in dropsets for each body part (not each lift). Many of us do that in the 5s- it extends the volume a bit and man, it's a nce burn.

3. As to your routine-
a. You can probably do fine with reducing the chest work to either inclines or dips. You might try alternating these between a and b.
b. I'm concerned if you're having knee pain- is that due to FB practice or squats? If the former, I'm not sure I have an answer for that, except that we're all getting older. If the latter, how's your form? The problem is that while leg extensions and leg presses are OK, they aren't ideal compared to squats. If there's any way you can get them incorporated into your routine, that would optimal, even alternating with leg extensions/presses.
c. Any chance you can do pullups instead of the pulldowns (or perhaps alternating)?

These are just suggestions- good luck!