New to HST question


New Member
Hey everyone found my way over to HST after doing 3day split for quit awhile and thought HST looks great and havent heard one bad thing about it except for the nieve people that havent tried it.
So im about to begin my first cycle and this week i have been gathering my 15,10 and 5 rep maxes and next week is the week off before the fun begins. But i need help with something, say as an e.g your 10 rep max is X weight, what would happen if come the day you go to do your 10 rep max but you have gotten stronger would you go to faliure on that last day of your 10's or just do the 10 reps at the max weight you established a few weeks back?

I hope that makes sence haha, also i look forward to working along side you all.
No, you will not go to failure. Going to failure is not part of the program. Just lift the prescribed weights and do not change anything during the cycle. You will almost assuredly get stronger in every lift while doing HST, but you will not retest maxes until after the 5s at the earliest. What I would suggest is after you hit your 5 RM, then you spend the next couple weeks pushing for new 5s, or you could even do one week of 15s where you add weight beyond your old 15 RMs until you find new 15 RMs, and then one week of 10s same deal, then a week of 5s same thing. I generally don't retest the 15s and 10s like that, I just do more weeks of 5s and keep adding weight each session until I max out on each lift, then use those to build the next cycle.

But don't change any of your planned weights during the first six weeks and don't add reps, don't change anything until you've completed those six weeks.
No, you will not go to failure. Going to failure is not part of the program. Just lift the prescribed weights and do not change anything during the cycle. You will almost assuredly get stronger in every lift while doing HST, but you will not retest maxes until after the 5s at the earliest. What I would suggest is after you hit your 5 RM, then you spend the next couple weeks pushing for new 5s, or you could even do one week of 15s where you add weight beyond your old 15 RMs until you find new 15 RMs, and then one week of 10s same deal, then a week of 5s same thing. I generally don't retest the 15s and 10s like that, I just do more weeks of 5s and keep adding weight each session until I max out on each lift, then use those to build the next cycle.

But don't change any of your planned weights during the first six weeks and don't add reps, don't change anything until you've completed those six weeks.

Ohk thanks heaps for that mate, cos that was the only thing i wasn't understanding... ill try your way as well (REPED)
Good luck with it, make sure you either keep a log on it or update us with your results when your cycle is over.