New to HST


New Member
Hey guys. I've been lifting for almost 5 years now, and for my size i'm strong. I'm a freshman at college now and I have really tried a lot to get stronger and bigger. Well i've become strong, however, I am not getting very big at all. I eat right healthy, I use supplements like muscle milk, whey protein, and amino acid pills. I have tried every lifting routine, and came across HST.

So I think i understand it, but I have some questions.
*Is there an order I need to do the body parts in?
*Why is everything only 1 or 2 sets? Even at low rep?
*Why is your definition of a negative and when do I do them? I believe I read that here its only supposed to be 2-3 seconds when i have learned its a little longer.
*SD is taking a week off? Or lifting that week at very low weight? I'm confused about that one.
*How long is a typical cycle? 8 weeks?
*How often do you do different exercises for each body part? Switch every time or switch every week?

So I believe you are basically doing your whole body three times a week, but only like 1 or 2 sets even at 15 reps. Correct?

Thanks a ton guys, i'm not too sure about this because i've always been a believer in isolation and 3 or 4 sets but i'm willing to give this a try for sure especailly after the good things I've heard about it. I'll keep you guys posted on how my progress goes!!

Welcome to HST! Glad you found us! :D

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]*Is there an order I need to do the body parts in?
*Why is everything only 1 or 2 sets? Even at low rep?
*Why is your definition of a negative and when do I do them? I believe I read that here its only supposed to be 2-3 seconds when i have learned its a little longer.
*SD is taking a week off? Or lifting that week at very low weight? I'm confused about that one.
*How long is a typical cycle? 8 weeks?
*How often do you do different exercises for each body part? Switch every time or switch every week?

1 - Yep, go for the legs first, and then down from there with most difficult exercises first.
2 - Not everything is 1 or 2 reps, remember that is a vanilla method (one for all), but you can try this:
15's - 1 to 2 sets
10's - 2 sets
5's - 3 sets first week 2 sets second week, same for negatives.
3 - Negatives - when you do only the eccentric part of the exercise (eg: in Bench press only the lowering of the bar), do them the last two weeks of the program - need a partner for most of these!

4 - SD is takling one or two weeks off, minimum is 9 days (stop Friday and start the following Monday).
5 - 8 Weeks but this is not written in stone, it works though as usually your are pretty much needing it by then

6 - Stick to the basic compounds, use only a few isolations and mostly towrds the heavy part of the cycle, switch each workout exercises like squats and deadlifts, you may alternate others like chins/low pulley rows etc. up to you really

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]So I believe you are basically doing your whole body three times a week, but only like 1 or 2 sets even at 15 reps. Correct?

Generally yes, but you can do 2x day 3x week or 4,5 or 6x per week, it is up to you, and what you want from the cycle.

Skip most of the isolations, they really waste your time, use only the ones that can give you advantage and use them properly.

Read this:

Some good e-books

Hope the info helps.
