New to HST


New Member
I'm just starting HST and would like some advice on my routine. I've done my 15rm (56% of 1RM) and have calculated my 10rm (72% of 1RM) and 5rm (85% of 1RM) from there. I only have 3x a week to workout so I'm going to be doing a full body each workout. My exercise routine for the 8 weeks goes like this:

W1: 2x15
W2: 2x15
W3: 2x10
W4: 2x10
W5: 2x5
W:6 2x5
W:7 NEGS 2 concentric 2 eccentric (2RM) 3 eccentric (105% of 1RM) Are you supposed to do NEGs 3x for 1 week?
W8: DC - 7 days (I'm supposed to do at least 9 right?)

Exercises are in order:
Leg Curl (I hate doing deadlifts because I have bad flexibility)
Bench Press/Dips
Lat Pulldown/Chinups
Bent Over Rows/Seated Cable Row
DB Military Press
Incline DB Curl
Tricep Pushdown
Standing Calf Raise/ Push Calf Raise
Decline Sit-Up/Hanging Leg Raise

"/" = alternate from workout to workout or substitue. For example, I can't do 15 chinups with body weight so I use Lat pulldown to substitute. I wouldn't start Dips or Chinups until half way through my 2nd week of 10's.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you  :)
Not only have you mastered the Art of War, you have mastered the basic HST protocol. Your program looks good and should be a great starting block for you. Exercise selection is fine and volume is good for the first cycle. Do a few cycles with the same format, then you will be ready to experiment with some of the variables. Good luck and welcome to HST.
Thank you
. I'm glad I finally got a sound workout plan after jumping around so long. I found this site through Men's Health forum and after looking at about 10 different routines HST, not only went along with my own thoughts, but sounded the most logical.