New to HST


New Member
Hi guys! I've been lurking the forums for a bit and decided to post. I am amazed at the amount of information presented here! I hope I can steal some help in my quest to build some size.

Let me preface this by stating that I've never really been serious about building mass until recently. Typically I would workout for about 2 months and then burn out shortly after. I'm not here asking for motivation, but I would like some pointers. I am a 26 year old male in good overall heath. I weight 195lbs and I'm 6' tall.

1) Is HST appropriate for the novice bodybuilder?

2) If so, what kind of exercises should I implement? (I've heard compound exercises are the way to go. Also, please be specific as far as the description of the exercise goes)

3) What kind of supplements should I use?

Thanks in advance for your time and consideration!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Is HST appropriate for the novice bodybuilder?</div>


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If so, what kind of exercises should I implement? </div>

You are correct about using compounds.

Here are some choices:

Deadlifts/Squats, Flat Bench/Incline Bench, Chins/rows, shoulder presses, dips

Two basic workouts could be:

Flat Bench
Military presses


incline bench
military presses

You could do just one of those workouts or alternate the two through your cycle.

Some of the more experienced guys will chime in also with different/better suggestions.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What kind of supplements should I use?

I use whey and casein protein powder to get me to 1 gram per bodyweight. I use whey before and after working out and casein all other times.

Creatine is also a popular supplement.

Hope this helps.

What Keystone said is pretty cool.


Dips/ Bench
Close grip underarm chins
Standing shoulder press ( Military press)
Bent over rows

Creatine would help

Keystone is bang on with whey before and after and casein apart from that.

HST is more than appropriate, its pretty much optimum
HNT!! Since we're on there site. I personally believe you wont see any difference in gains between brand X and brand Y creatine/ whey/ casein so Id go with the cheapest.
it calls my attention that you said that usually after 2 months you burnt out..... you may actually have overtrained (or hit the wall) and then you just felt sick and tired of lifting weight...... you need to rest every 2 months approx for 10 days approx..... so, by using HST you will do this and by not lifting to failure you guarantee you will not overtrain, so your love for pushing irons will remain until death do you apart
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks for the information! By the way, what is a good choice in brand for creatine and protein?</div>

I think style is correct that any brand will work fine. For price though, I am happy with DPS nutrition and I usually order the Optimum Nutrition Whey and Casein. Tastes good and is competitively priced.

stick with the 3x a week fullbody workout...sounds like you start training and do to much so you either get bored and fed up or overtrain
Stereolab, you don't have to take any food supplements if you are able to eat enough calories from a decent selection of foods (with a good balance of fats, protein and carbs). It's just that for most of us, with busy lives, a protein drink once or twice a day makes bulking a lot more practical.

I use whey powder. I have just started mixing it with some diluted fruit juice and a teaspoon of creatine. I found that when mixing it with water alone it was like drinking gone off paint! Fruit juice takes the edge off it for me.

I also take a multi-vit tab each day. Half with breakfast and half before bed at night with a snack.

The effect of taking creatine is much harder to guage but I definitely feel it has affected my ability to get more reps out during 10s and 15s particularly on the second or third sets of an exercise.

A lot of the guys here now feel that direct arm work is pretty much unnecessary until you have added a decent amount of bulk. Still, I like to do some bb curls and tri extensions during my cycles. I leave them till last so I can do them if time permits. And I always add calf raises too, as they are my weakest bodypart. I go as heavy as I can for 3 sets and start my cycle for calves with 10s. They are getting the hammering of their little lives and, finally, I am adding some mass to them! They are now both at 16&quot; cold to almost match my arms which have now hit 16.5&quot;. When I started HST my calves were 14.5&quot;.

You are right that the amount of information presented on this site is amazing. There are so many helpful folks here. I thought exactly as you do when I came across it 6 months ago.

People at the gym are starting to notice my results now. One guy who I just met the other day and who has been lifting for 25 years said that he could tell I was a serious lifter. When I asked what he meant he said &quot;You squat! That makes five of us now!&quot; I had to chuckle.
Yeah! what keystone said looks very solid and good!
here is what i recommend for you:

My routine:

Flat Bench Press
Military Press

I make this every other day, so im in the gym 3 or 4 times per week.
1st week 1 rep 15 sets
2st+3st week 2 reps 10 sets
4st+5st week 3 reps 5 sets
6st week 3 reps 5 sets with my 5rm
(7st week add more load and go down with my sets)
then 7-14 days SD

zig zagging is included, first week i start with 70% of my
i maximaly train 2 days with the same load.


if you want you can make some liftings for your arms too but in my opinion there is no need for it. i only make some sets sometimes only to &quot;pump&quot; it up a little more.

if you think you have &quot;slight places&quot;on your body, you can ad one exercise for this body part to your routine.

i would tell you:
use hst and if you are lucky with it stay at it, when not, im sure that you will learn much ore something (it depends on your lifting history) for other workout programs from the hst-principles.
so i wish you good luck with hst and report about your experiences.
I enjoy the compound exercises but I'm always in fear of injuring my back. Are squats and deadlifts combined ok 3x a week?
You can combine the deads and squats or alternate them. Here is what my next cycle will look like:

Workout A:
Flat bench
Military press

Workout B:
Incline bench
military press or rear delt

I will alternate workouts throughout the cycle.

If you want to combine both I have read Totentaz saying that he does deads at the beginning of the workout and squats at the end (might be the other way around but you get the jist)

If I do deads and squats in the same session I tend towards doing squats first and deads towards the end of the w/o, after my upper body has been thoroughly warmed up with bench, chins etc.

This cycle I am doing squats followed by SLDLs and have continued them into the 5s as my lower back is holding out fine. For the first two cycles I had to alternate during the 5s as otherwise I found it hard to even do the washing up the next day! (Any excuse to get out of that!)

I expect I will have to alternate during the post 5s as I'm going to do normal deads instead of SLDLs for the final two weeks of the cycle and really go for it.

The great thing about HST is that as the loads increase each session you have time to decide whether it's all getting too much for your lower back or not. As long as your form is good you should be fine doing the lifts. Sloppy form is what will get you injured. Use the lighter sessions to really get your form right. If in doubt, ask a more experienced lifter to watch you and let you know if you have it right.
i have made 2 cycles and i have made as first exercise squats then dead lifts and then all my other exercises. for me i have had some hurts in my upper back, and some other people say this that it is not the best for them. but others have no problems with it!
so in my second cycle in the further weeks i have alternate squats and deads from workout to workout. then it was no problem with my upper back.

i think you must look for yourself how it works for you or not.

like totentanz had advised to me and like LoL had sayd it here:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If I do deads and squats in the same session I tend towards doing squats first and deads towards the end of the w/o</div>

I will try this in my new cycle! and if it wont work for me i going again and will alternate the two exercises, but i hope that it will work!
