New to HST


New Member
Hi all, the name's East. I have been weight training for about 4 years now. My stats are as follows

Bench: 325 lbs
Squat: 375
Dead: 405
Age: 18
BF%: Around 15

I'm looking at HST b/c I want to BULK, and I mean BULK, especially in the arms, I feel like my chest and back grow well, but my arms don't grow as much as I want them to, they're only 16''.

I need help w/ my HST cycle. I wasn't sure if I should do HST or Max-Ot. And if I should do the HST Sample routine or not. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
squats alternate with deadlifts if you want
chins or pulldowns
low-pulley or bent-over-rows
arm isos if you want

1set 15s 2wks
2 sets 10s 2wks
3 sets 5s 2wks
negs or carry on with 5s (add weight if possible)
sd 9days start again
if you dont like that setup let us know what exercises you want and im sure the guys will help

welcome to the site good luck.
Welcome East

Faz has very much covered all that's needed.

I'll just say this, for your arms, as he did not elaborate because we believe that isolations are not really necessary to get arms to grow if you do fairly heavy compounds, which I see you do.

When doing chin ups use a reverse close-grip as this hits the arms and allows a bigger load (use extra load for chins) , then superset this after each set-no rest with incine dumbell curls (do this only from the 5's onwards).

For triceps (also from 5's onwards) - do a set of skull crushers after each set of either bench or dips (you should be using both for chest although alternated).

This should get some response for your arms.

Last but not least, you have to EAT BIG, and remember 15 pounds body wieght = 1 inch on arms, there is no way around that!
If you want arms to grow then you need to work on your tris more. Do you do weighted dips? Your bench poundage is good but how much are you able to dip with for 5 reps? My guess would be bodyweight plus about 150lb. If you combine heavy weighted dips with an overhead extension of some kind you should be able to get your tris growing.

As Fausto says, don't forget the golden rule for gaining an inch on arms.
You guys are a great help, I really appreciate it! I'll be starting my HST cycle next Monday, and I think you call the sample work out on the home page the "Vanilla Routine" or something. I may follow that, just add in some dips n' what not.

Supps I'll be stacking:

CVM Xtreme (CEE and Creatine Dimalate)
Cytogainer (Weight gainer - complex carbs, protein, calories, creatine)
Optimen Multivitamins
Jungle Warfare (Test boost/anti-est.)