New to HST


New Member
Hi there guys,

Im new to HST and the site, used to do a lot of circuit training and now turning my attentions to getting big! I'm planning to focus primarily on the program on the HST site ( sets of 10 3 x a week) and was looking for any pointers/adivce to accompany the training and also the principles of the training program.


Howdy sir,

My suggestions before beginning your first HST routine:

* Determine a body of exercises you want to use for your routine, and post that routine here.  People can offer a critique and potential modifications to make sure you get the most out of your routine.

* After figuring out a group of exercises to perform, take a week or so to determine 15, 10, and 5 rep maxes for all of these exercises.

* After doing this, based on how long you've been training (the longer you've been training, the longer your "strategic deconditioning" should be prior to your HST cycle), take no less than ~9 days completely off resistance training of any form.

* Begin your HST cycle after this time off, and feel free to post here regularly for advice/tips/suggestions/etc.
thanks for the prompt response mate. Im follwing the full body HST routine (10reps) suggested on the website to begin with. However, im unsure how the principle works. Do i do three sets of 10 rep maximum initially?
(joelondon @ Aug. 15 2008,6:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Im follwing the full body HST routine (10reps) suggested on the website to begin with. However, im unsure how the principle works. Do i do three sets of 10 rep maximum initially?</div>
Sorry, Joe, you've lost me. I am not familiar with the 10 rep routine to which you refer. I've never heard of doing three sets of 10 rep maximum.

The basic, standard (vanilla) HST routine begins with a nine to fourteen day complete rest (strategic deconditioning), then offers two weeks of 15 reps, two weeks of 10 reps, two weeks of 5 reps, followed by a few more weeks of 5 rep work, or perhaps some negatives.

You might want to post your selected exercises here &quot;for advice/tips/suggestions/etc.&quot;

Sorry did not mean three sets. The routine displayed here is a 10 rep routine. Is this part of the cycle phase? I think I just need a simple explanation of how the workout will work using those exercises. I presume i train one week 15 reps through the exercises, next week 10 and so on?

hope i have made myself a little clearer...I'm confusing myself i think!
That 10 rep &quot;routine&quot; is only the middle part part of the HST routine. You need to SD then you do 2 weeks of 15reps, then 2wks of 10 reps, then 2wks of 5reps (then you can do 2wks of either negs or maxstim). 2weeks is of course training on Mon, Wed &amp; Fri, then again Mon, Wed &amp; Fri (some do light cardio on off days)

Have a look at one of the spreadsheets which will show you the template for the full HST routine.
see this post for example (there are others)