New to HST


New Member
After reading the articles on the site, threads in the forum, I've started the HST, planned out the workouts and all.
Gone through 1st week of 15s, having some doubts. Not on HST as whole but on 15s.
eg. I can only do 15x15lb lateral raises. So this turns out to be:

1st wk: 1(-10) 2(-5) 3(0)
2nd wk: 4(5) 5(10) 6(15)

Obviously you can't do 0 (or do it without any weights?). So I did 5lb for 1st 3 days.
I concentrated on the negatives with these light weights. But they felt like warm-ups rather than workouts. And I didn't feel any burn after I finished my 1st week.
So my question is, is it necessary to do 2 weeks of 15s? Can it be cut to skip the 1st week part and just to the latter half?
Also, I assume that this will be an issue again in the beginning of 10s albeit less than 15s. If the beginning weight turns out to be too light, is it ok to increase it to 2nd or even 3rd day weight (and continue till said day)?

thanks a bunch.
Welcome Billy!

A few quick pointers:

There are much more effective exercises than lateral raises.

For 15s, 10s and 5s, when calculating your working loads it makes a lot of sense to work back from your maxes in around 5% increments. With light dbs for your maxes, you are obviously going to have to repeat workouts with the same loads.

Eg. If you are using 15lb dbs for your 15RM workout then you would need to do something like this for the previous five workouts:

10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 15 (5% of 15lb is just 0.75lb, which is impracticable for increments)

If you could find 12.5lb dbs then you could use them along the way.

Much better to use a compound movement like an overhead press. You will be able to use more load which will make it much easier to calculate a useable progression. Perhaps something like this:

75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100lb

15s are brilliantly useful for all sorts of reasons but you really need to be doing the right sort of movements to make the most of them.

If you post your routine, I'm sure you'll get lots of useful tips on how to make it as effective as possible. Effective routines make for productive cycles.  

Welcome to HST.

Just to support what lol already stated...

I appreciate you may be using the sample HST routine, as listed in the bumpf at the front of the of the website, but - while that is a great sample - if you are new to training, ideally you should go with the basic compound exercises.

Have a good look at the 'simplify and win' thread, and some of the basic routines on there.

Personally, many people, myself included, would suggest something like:

Squats/deadlifts (alternated)
Incline bench press/dips (alternated)
Rows/chins (alt)
Shoulder presses/dumbbell shrugs (alt)

That way, you wont have to worry about isolation exercises, and using too little weight.

Let us know how you get on

Thanks a lot guys.
Yes I basically took what was in the HST example routine.
And then added a few isolation exercises on top. Took me an hour and half to them.
I'm gonna have to review my routine.

I'll post it once I give it an overhaul

That routine looks very very simple. I'm not trying to be an *** but I guess anyone new to HST would feel the same.
I'll definitely be reading the simplify & win thread when I get home.
Hi Billy,

But why should 'simple' be a bad thing???

Remember, the priciples behind HST mean that you're doing this 3 X week - so thats still a lot of work per muscle group?

Keep your workouts to less than 45mis anyway.
I do 20mins cardio after my routine too...

I've bee doing HST since 2002 - without exception - and over the years have always found that I make much more progress by keeping it simple, as opposed to when I add lots of isos.

Good luck and let us know how you get on
