New to HST


New Member
Hi, after some injures and 1 year of strength training I'm going to try HST. This is what I want to do:
Front squat/squat 2 sets
Leg extensions 1
Bench press 2
Inclined press 1
Chin-ups 2
cable rows 1
Romanian deadlift 2
leg curl 1
Miliraty press 2
upright rows 1
face pulls 1
triceps extensions 1
bicep curl 1
standing calf raises 3
I wanted to do 2 tweaks to the program:
1. For biceps, triceps and calf raises I'm going to do 20/15/10 or 15/12/8 instead of 15/10/5 because i've had problems with my forearm doing curls and I don't think heavy 5s are a good idea. I'm thinking about doing it with the rest of the isolations: leg extensions, leg curls and face pulls. I just think that 5s are better for compounds and that in those isolation exercises is a little safer going lighter.
2. I can't do negatives so I was going to keep doing 5 reps in the last two weeks but I would prefer focusing in strength in those last weeks but trying to set PRs and going to failure 3xweek will probably be too much and I will end up overtraining and losing strength. So I was thinking about reducing it to 2xweek and go for PRs.
What do you think?
Tnx in advance
I did. In fact the idea of changing the reps to 20/15/10 was in your book. For the extended 5s you just say to keep using your 5rm and add some weight if you are stronger then but my idea was to push PRs even if you dont feel much stronger. I know I should not train to failure 3xweek. Tnx for your reply.
I guess that explains why you went that route. You can keep it at three times a week during the post fives still, going that close to failure is ok at the end of a cycle since you'll be taking an sd shortly after anyway.
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How's the diet?
Everytime I post here someone ask me about the diet xD. My diet is ok, I've had good progress doing strength programs but now I want to focus on size and get rid of the fat I got in my previous routines. OK, I'll try that last 2 weeks doing 5s 3xweek and if I feel that it's too much I will reduce it to 2xweek in the next cycle. I will start a log once I take my RMs and do the SD. Once again do you think using 20/15/10 for exercises like leg extensions (hard on knees), calves (need more volume to grow) or rear delt exercises is a good idea? I still keep the 15/10/5 in the most important exercises. Tnx again, you are very helpful.
Once again do you think using 20/15/10 for exercises like leg extensions (hard on knees), calves (need more volume to grow) or rear delt exercises is a good idea?

Yes. I go 15-30 reps on leg extensions and generally keep single joint exercises to no less than 10 reps. The exception is curls whereby my elbows seem to tolerate the heavier weights well.
Everytime I post here someone ask me about the diet xD. My diet is ok, I've had good progress doing strength programs but now I want to focus on size and get rid of the fat I got in my previous routines. OK, I'll try that last 2 weeks doing 5s 3xweek and if I feel that it's too much I will reduce it to 2xweek in the next cycle. I will start a log once I take my RMs and do the SD. Once again do you think using 20/15/10 for exercises like leg extensions (hard on knees), calves (need more volume to grow) or rear delt exercises is a good idea? I still keep the 15/10/5 in the most important exercises. Tnx again, you are very helpful.

As long as you have healthy knees, it is probably not necessary to restrict leg ext to higher reps. However, probably a good idea to keep them at 20/15/10 as long as you keep doing squats just so you can keep the joints lubed and get the metabolic work in even when you get heavy on the squats. Calves are good to go heavy on, I would not restrict reps on those, so my recommendation is to still do standard 15/10/5 on those, just add more sets for more total reps. I've never cared about rear delts so that one is up to you.

"Diet is ok" doesn't really say much. Calories, fats, carbs, protein are the important numbers here. Join and use that to track calories, it is so easy to use that there is really no excuse not to track calories. You want to add size but cut back the bodyfat - as I said in my book, you will find the most success focusing on one goal or the other at a time. So depending on your current bodyfat percentage, I would either suggest a formal bulk or an actual cut. Remember, there is no point in lifting to build size or cut fat if you aren't going to manage diet properly. You will just end up spinning your wheels.
I said my diet is ok because I have no problems with it. I gained 10kg of weight from September to June, then in summer it slowed down cause it's harder for me eat enough in holydays but I will start eating more now in September. I will try to bulk till March or so and then cut.
Do you plan on doing all of these exercises each workout or are you going to alternate, for instance you have 3 bench press type exercises (Standard, Incline and Military)? Based on your numbers you're at 21 sets total.
I planed on doing them each workout, I dont see 21 sets too much, I was doing more per workout before. Anyway I'm thinking about reducing military to 1 set. And 3 of the sets are calves. Do you think it's too much?
You have enough overlap with shoulders to drop military to one, shouldn't be an issue. Calves for sure 3 sets during 10s, I would probably try for 4 during the 5s. 15s I would say 2 or 3 sets.