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Thought I'd introdce myself real quick and give you a bit of backround about me and why I'm here. I'll try and make it as short as possible. :)

I'm 34 years old, 5ft 6in and weight roughly 164lbs. I also started "exercising" August 2011 (roughly 5 months). Being plagued with 2 herniated discs (L4/L5 and L5/S1) and being told by 3 doctors I'd probably need surgery to fix it and also, that I'd need to change my career path, I set out to beat the odds and prove them wrong. I have done everything in the book to try and relieve the nerve pain (and even spasms associated with it) from different forms of physiotherapy to epidurals etc, but nothing gave me relief for more than 2 weeks at a time for 2 years straight. It was a constant battle, but surgery for me would have to be a last resort so I said I'd try and build up my body to see if it would help any.

I started out in August only able to do 10 push-ups from my knees. :(. It was tough, but I pushed through it. I workout from home and over the past 5 months I've built up quite a bit of equipment to use (pull-up bar, olympic bar with about 250lbs of free weights, dumbell bars, a bench that can adjust from about 15 degree decline up to about a 45 degree incline, something to do dips on, a weight belt, and a Tower 200 by Jake that I used in the beginning, but now only use for some resistance cardio work). From August to about mid November I did basically whatever. Worked out 5 days a week and my only rule was not to hit the same muscle within a 48 hour period. That was it. The worse part about it was I didn't do any pull-ups to this point, no dips, no deadlifts, no military presses, no bent over barbel rows and no squats! Yup! Real newbie!:D. After joining and browsing 2 forums, I learned about these exercises and how important they are and started tackling them. Up to this point, I didn't have one issue with my back for the first time in 2 years so I was happy and motivated. Started out real low on all of those lifts because of my back. Deadlifts began at about 20lbs or so. Fast forward to the end of December and I was able to deadlift 130lbs for 10 reps. At this point I irritated my discs and got my first spasm in almost 5 months. It was my fault as I jumped 40 lbs in one week on the deadlift (live and learn). Took a week off to rest, had to get 2 injections and now I'm back together again somewhat. I've been off and on with different workout routines trying my own (dumb), then trying some bouncing around the net and for some reason, I keep coming back to this forum (specifically the HST program) as it really interested me. I'd come on here and read the routine and layout a few times a week. I know it in and out...It's crazy, but still never tried it yet. After my workout tonight using all pro's beginner's routine from that I have been messing with recently to see if I'd like it, I felt a bit bored. The theory behind it is great, but it doesn't seem as exciting as the HST program seems like it will be. I like the idea of being able to use an ABA, BAB sort of routine (if you wanted) as well as have 3 different rep ranges you can workout with each cycle. I think that is what I really need as I want to build muscle and strength at the same time so here I am ready to dive in and give it a shot.

Well that's it all in a nut shell. Since I irritated my discs, if I squat, deadlift or do bent over bb rows with too much weight, I feel a tingle in my hip. I've had to drop the weight by atleast half of what I had been doing because of this to avoid the "tingle" so I will be starting this program with really light weight in a few exercises which raises a few small questions...

With all that I have going against me, would you guys recommend anything in particular I should maybe do or not do or would you say just start with a light weight doing those particular exercises that irritate my back a bit and just progress with it slowly? I can hit any exercise full force except squats, deadlifts and bent over bb rows...

Thanks in advance for any feedback and also, thanks for looking those that made it this far through the thread. :)
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Here are a few photos of me showing my progress so far. My goal is bulk up a tad bit and strengthen my body to support my back and not really to get huge. If I can get to about 170lbs or so with about 5% body fat, I think I'd be happy...Maybe :)

August 2011

November 2011 (bulked up a bit, but had some fat around the tummy)

December 25th (started to lose some of the stomach fat and continued with a sort of cleaner bulk). This photo was taken on a deload as well as I have my chest relaxed here rather than flexed in the previous picture)

I added some photos and just waiting for a mod to approve it. It will show my progress so far. Nothing outrageous, but I'm happy with the results so far despite all I have going against me and only doing light compound lifts for a month. I know these things take time and not in a rush. :)
Welcome to the forum. I also have a ruptured lumbar disk and based on what you’ve already said you’ve figured out that lifting is the best thing you can do for it. For about 5 years I had constant back pain, couldn’t sit for more than 20 minutes without severe pain. I always had sciatica and then I started Deadlifting and the pain has been gone ever since then. I highly recommend you get back into deadlifting as your back allows. If you aren’t already, switch to sumo style deadlifts since it puts much less shear on your spine. Even if sumo isn’t the best style for you I would start with it until you rebuild your core strength and then you can start pulling conventional.

I don’t so BB rows only supported DB rows, and when the weight gets heavy I use my belt to stabilize my torso because even with the support you can put a lot of torsion on you lumbar region. I I’m wary of anything that puts a lot of shearing force on my spine so I’ve only recently started doing Good Mornings and then I do Concentric (dead) Good Mornings of the safety bars of my power rack so that I’m not getting the extra shearing force of reversing directions at the bottom. Luckily that’s also the best way to do them for Sumo Deadlifting if you are weak off the floor.

I’d also suggest you invest in a powerlifting belt if you don’t have one. I switched from a standard body building belt and will never go back. The powerlifting belt is so much more stable there’s no comparison.

Also as you have already learned progress slowly, better to take longer to get there than to have to take a long layoff because you over did it.

As for the rest of your routine I would just do whatever you can as far as normal compound lifts.
Thanks for the welcome and the feedback! It's comforting to know that someone like yourself has done well with weightlifting. That's relly good to hear! Also, on the deadlifts, I only do sumo deadlifts. Figured that one out right off the bat when I saw what a SLDL was! I knew that one wouldn't happen anytime soon:p. The sad part about it all was I was very athletic growing up. I was on the track team every year from primary school throughout highschool. I played golf, tennis, swam and most of all bowled. On average I would bowl roughly 50 games a week and was the Bahamas National champion 3 years in a row. Longest ever in Bahamian history. After I bulged my first disc about 6 years ago, a lot of the activity cut down. When I herniated two of them 2 years ago, everything stopped and life changed a lot. I have a wife and 2 children (a 5yr old and a 2 yr old) and for the past 2 years it been just a constant battle with my back. It's good to finally be able to go outside and play with the kids for a change. I was so restricted before.

Looking forward to seeing what this program has to offer me. Also, one question on the weight belt...Would you suggest it simply for my back or should everyone wear one? The reason I ask is because I see it often said that you build up ab muscles doing a few of the compound lifts which I gather is probably because your abs are being used as stabilizers? If so, would wearing a belt affect it any? I'd imagine if it did then you just make up for it doing a few ab isolation exercises, but if it is something I definately should wear in my condition, I'll be sure to get one. :)
The reason I suggest a powerlifting belt is because you use your abs extensively when wearing the belt. A powerlifting belt is usually the same width about 4” all the way around, not thinner in the front like a weightlifting belt. The belt is designed so that you push your abs out into it as hard as you can which is what helps stabilize your core. I usually don’t put my belt on until I get to around 80% of my 1RM for Deadlifts and Squats. However, I use it for all Good Mornings because of the angle of my back. I also use it when the Supported DB rows get up around 80 lbs., and I use it whenever I’m doing Glute/Ham Raises because of how hammered my lower back usually is when I get to them in my routine.

The best thing you can do is go by feel and in cases like ours always err on the side of caution. If that mean having to do extra abs work it’s the price we pay.
The reason I suggest a powerlifting belt is because you use your abs extensively when wearing the belt. A powerlifting belt is usually the same width about 4” all the way around, not thinner in the front like a weightlifting belt. The belt is designed so that you push your abs out into it as hard as you can which is what helps stabilize your core. I usually don’t put my belt on until I get to around 80% of my 1RM for Deadlifts and Squats. However, I use it for all Good Mornings because of the angle of my back. I also use it when the Supported DB rows get up around 80 lbs., and I use it whenever I’m doing Glute/Ham Raises because of how hammered my lower back usually is when I get to them in my routine.

The best thing you can do is go by feel and in cases like ours always err on the side of caution. If that mean having to do extra abs work it’s the price we pay.

Sounds good man...Thanks for the feedback once again. :)
So I ended back up to the doctor this afternoon. For about a year and a half now, my left trap has always been bigger than my right. Anytime I use that muscle extensively, it swells up like a balloon which makes it hard to turn my head to the side, gives me an ear and headache. Once the swelling goes down, the pain goes away, but the trap on that side remains always bigger than the other which is odd because I am right handed and it's my left trap. So yesterday's workout doing deadlifts and barbel rows irritated it which seems to happen a lot. I wouldn't even talk about shrugs. My doctor is sending me for a scan to see what is going on in there. Could be fluid or something else. So it seems like a few of the big lifts will be on hold until I find out what is going on. I want to start this program and will do it minus the exercises that irritate my body. I will just substitute the exercises with something else for now. I don't want my whole body to suffer as I can continue to make gains other ways so will just play it by ear and take one day at a time.
Quick question on the HST program. What is the purpose of the 15's? (2 weeks of 15 reps). I saw it mentioned that you can drop them on your second cycle and are mainly used for recovering from injuries etc. If you are new to the HST program, but not new to lifting, can you just skip the 15's or is it recommended that everyone do the 15's regardless of your level of experience?
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From what I've read, for those with experience of lifting the purpose of the 15's is to help the CNS and muscles get back into the routine after a period of SD. Personally I do enjoy the 15's but as I'm quite small I find the the weights I lift during the 1st week of 15's to be too light, so as of tomorrow I'm going to drop to 1 week of 15's (doing 90, 95, 100% 15RM).

If you dig through this forum you'll find the more technical answers.
Thanks for the feedback! I've read the article on the program a million time, but need to browse the forum more. I haven't browsed all that much since signing up as it has been crazy here, but plan to read up some more as time permits. I start the HST program tomorrow and I'm excited! Looking forward to seeing my prgress after atleast 2 complete cycles. :)
This program is awesome!! Loving it!! Think I may have under-estimated my rep maxes in a few exercises so I had to do 10lb increments rather than the 5 lbs on some. Finally getting in some good calories as well and starting to bulk up a bit. Looking forward to seeing where I am at around March/April.

Not sure if the pics have to be approved again before posting, but if not here they are below. If they need a mods approval, I guess you can check back afterwards. I'm proud of my progress with all I have going against me. :)

Where I began again as a comparison


Body relaxed


Traps flexed

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