New Workout


New Member
I was thinking about doing something like this next cycle. What you guys think about it. I normaly only do 3 exercsies each workout, you think this might be just a bit too much?

Mon/Wed/Fri - AM/PM


Bench Press
Barbell Row
Shoulder Press
Abdominal Pulldowns


Upright Rows
Calf Raises
I no I was thinking about Shrugs but Uprights are compund. So probably more beneficial in the long run. Haventr tried the combo but was plannign n doing shrugs if upright rows didnt go well.

Just planning on doing standard HST 15 10 5 for now. Maybe try the 15x1, 10x2, 5x3. Or just do 2 sets for all rep ranges.
As long as you don't raise the bar higher than your sternum, you should be okay with upright rows. Never bring your arms higher than parellel. Upright rows can be safe when done properly. Raising the bar higher than parellel is quite bad for your shoulders, however.
I really think upright rows should be avoided with heavy loads. You might get away with doing them for a while and seem to have no trouble but then suddenly get a shoulder problem.

I think Tot is right that if you don't raise the bar too high they are a lot safer. If you must do them then try just bringing the bar up to your lower chest area (I wasn't sure whether Tot meant the bottom or the top of the sternum?). And, just to clarify, I think he means no higher than upper arms parallel with the floor? That would fit in with bar to lower chest level.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Using a slightly wider grip might be helpful too from what I have heard from others anecdotally. Upright rows are definitely an exercise where you don't want to mess around with sloppy form (hmm... kinda like squats and deads??) because there is a very real danger there. However, I have done them for extended periods in the manner described without problem. Ironically enough, it was overhead pressing that eventually started to cause shoulder problems for me, not upright rows, though to be fair that was only when my strength for some reason shot up drastically in overhead press.

Just be very careful and if things start to hurt, then stop doing them. Do not cheat the weight up, ever, because that can result in going too high. I think this is a major reason people get problems with upright rows, besides the fact that most people think the correct form is pulling the bar clear up to your chin.
Workout looks good, you may have to drop down to 2 sets during the 5's but that depends on you entirely, should give you one heck of a boost!

Let us know how it goes!
Upright rows are like any exercise, do them with bad form and heavy weight and you'll get injured. I've suffered all my shoulder injuries from overhead shoulder press (6RM weight pulled my shoulder out cause the guy spotting me didn't have my wrist properly). I said I wouldn't recommend SLDLs and got chewed out cause they are a great exercise if done with correct form, and I can see that now. Well same applies to Upright rows, when done with correct form they're a great trap exercise, and as Jonny said they're compound, also good for the lateral delts, not sure if they really stimulate growth in the biceps, though they assist lifting heavier weight. As Tot said, hands up to sternum, upper arms not above shoulders (parallel with ground), and elbows always above hands (unlike cleans).

Though Cleans and deadlifts with a shrug are also good, I just don't think there is any more risk with upright rows than with heavy overhead presses.
(Jonny @ Sep. 19 2006,12:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I no I was thinking about Shrugs but Uprights are compund. So probably more beneficial in the long run. Haventr tried the combo but was plannign n doing shrugs if upright rows didnt go well.

Just planning on doing standard HST 15 10 5 for now. Maybe try the 15x1, 10x2, 5x3. Or just do 2 sets for all rep ranges.</div>
Shrugs are a compound exercise too. They involve the traps/delts/biceps/forearms and maybe some other muscles I've left out. Also, you can use a lot more weight on shrugs than you can on upright rows. Before you do uprights, I would test my rotator cuff strength---

If you have weak rotators that could be a very dangerous exercise, just like the squat for someone with a weak lower back.
Good point, and very interesting article, Steve.

For anyone who reads that and becomes interested in rotator cuff exercises, there have been several links mentioned here recently. I like this one, as it has good illustrations.
I think im probably going to just do 1 set for the first cycle. I trained for years with 1 set for years and got good gains. Maybe multiple sets next cylce.

Mon/Wed/Fri - AM/PM


Bench Press
Barbell Row
Abdominal Pulldowns


Shoulder Press
Calf Raises

Going to get my captains of crush grippers out and train grip on off days, plus 30-45mins of cardio aswell. Combined with 10 hours a week of mma training. Let you no how it goes.
1 set is great. I wouldn't have it any other way. Deads and Squats on the same day--3 times a week ? If you can deadlift and squat over 400 lbs I don't see how that's gonna work.
I have done Deadlifts and Squats on the same day, but in the AM/PM fashion that he is doing. I wouldn't do both of them in the same workout though.
(stevejones @ Sep. 21 2006,04:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">1 set is great. I wouldn't have it any other way. Deads and Squats on the same day--3 times a week ? If you can deadlift and squat over 400 lbs I don't see how that's gonna work.</div>
I did AM/PM MWF for 2 cycles and barely made it through the second one because I was deadlifting and squatting. You're right, when the weights are 400+ it's brutal, and that's with only one work set. I was determined to finally hit 230 BW during the second cycle so I threw in powercleans, ate like it was going out of style and still fell short. It's really tough to get enough calories during such a heavy schedule with that frequency.

Not a good idea to do powercleans after deadlifts either.

I actually wanted to SD after that. You can make good gains with a workout program like that, but you really have to eat.