New Year Training!


New Member
Merry xmas everyone! hope u all had a gud one and didnt eat too much crap...i know i did! 1 month off outa 11 aint bad ;)

i'm starting the HST soon jus wondering if ppl can critisise my routine and give me some feedback that would be great cheers!

Bench press x 2
incline press x 2

Squat x 2
Press x 1
lunges x 1

Chinups x 2
Seated row x 2

DB pressx 2
upright row x 1
rear raise x 1

dipsx 2
skullcrushersx 1

BB curl x 2

Raises x 3 (or stagger throughoutmy workout...i have chicken legs)

when i sparr...

does that sound okay to start with (15RM) i'll prob change exercises after 6 weeks.

thankx.. Have a good new years!
Chop it down a bit and stick to one exercise such as Squats instead of multiple compounds and isolations. What I would take from that is:

Bench Press
DB Press
Calf Raises

ok kool. when would you add more exercises (compounds/isolations)? as arms have kinda bin left out..even though i know they get worked.

would u just recommend the compounds for the first 2 weeks? or whole 6?
Your original routine was sort of a recipe for overtraining. And if you haven't been working arms, the compounds will definitely do nicely. Arms should be added when it's necessary, not just off the top like most of us have done. (to little effect over not doing them)
If you wish, you could add arms in in the fives, when they're doing less work. And even then only at the end of the workout, I believe most of us would agree.

If they're not growing from this method, then you add them in. I guess I'd better say what's on everyone's mind...if you don't eat you won't grow either.

And there's no point in training a certain way thru the 15's and 10's then switching to an untrained exersize in the fives. The point is progression, and barring injuries, you really should stick to something until you see what it's doing to you, then adapt. If you jump all over the place, you never know what's working and what's not.
thanx guys. i think i'll add in 1 tricep exercise coz i enjoy them and also helps my punching. as there are only a few exercises and they are compound would you reccommend 2 sets on 15R, 3 on 10R and 3/4 on 5R for each workout day? or you rekon that'll be too much?