Newbie-Excercises help


New Member
I'm relatively new to weight training (3 months), and I'm interested in trying the HST program. . Up until now I've primarily   been using heavy weights (5-8 reps of max)and have been focusing on too many isolation excercises I think.  I've had a few minor injuries because of this I think, but they've  healed                                                                              I'm 5'11 and 215 lb. with about 20% BF.  
I like the idea of using compound excercises primarily because I'd like to have a well rounded physique and strength, but I'm only able to do a couple pullups and and a few dips
 I'm not able to follow the program because of this (Ex. 15 pullups and dips in first 2 weeks)  Should I wait to start the HST program until I'm able to do at least 15 reps of these excercises?  This seems like the only thing holding me back from HST.  Any feedback appreciated!
(twilightburl @ Apr. 23 2008,11:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm relatively new to weight training (3 months), and I'm interested in trying the HST program. . Up until now I've primarily been using heavy weights (5-8 reps of max)and have been focusing on too many isolation excercises I think. I've had a few minor injuries because of this I think, but they've healed I'm 5'11 and 215 lb. with about 20% BF.
I like the idea of using compound excercises primarily because I'd like to have a well rounded physique and strength, but I'm only able to do a couple pullups and and a few dips
I'm not able to follow the program because of this (Ex. 15 pullups and dips in first 2 weeks) Should I wait to start the HST program until I'm able to do at least 15 reps of these excercises? This seems like the only thing holding me back from HST. Any feedback appreciated!</div>
Sure you can start HST provided that you've SD'd for long enough and that you're injury free. You don't have to do pull-ups or dips- they were just an example of what exercises you can do , you may do something else to replace them like pulldowns or bench press respectively. What is your main goal btw?
Thanks for your feedback. My main goals right now are to 1) lose the fat
2)gain as much muscle as I can
3)become more strength proportioned? Example: being able to do pullups and dips.

I like the idea of doing isometric exercises for strength and size, I'm just too heavy and possibly weak right now.
I don't have the goal of competing in bodybuilding right now, as I'm just a beginner.
Seems like good goals! Go for it!

It would be exciting to follow your progress. Maybe you could start a traininglog on this forum. I'm thinking of doing that myself by the way. Good luck!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> Thanks for your feedback. My main goals right now are to 1) lose the fat
2)gain as much muscle as I can
3)become more strength proportioned? Example: being able to do pullups and dips.

I like the idea of doing isometric exercises for strength and size, I'm just too heavy and possibly weak right now.
I don't have the goal of competing in bodybuilding right now, as I'm just a beginner. </div>

good luck on achieving your goals, twilight. i would say that there are 2 approaches to achieving them:

1) lose fat and only then begin to focus on hypertrophy (gaining muscle) and strength. Although some argue you can get stronger even whilst losing fat.

2) Do both simultaneously. This is really challenging and you'll have to follow a strict diet as well as HST. Check out my thread in the nutrition section of the forum. Diet is really important and I suggest you check out some stuff by a guy called John Berardi.

Goal #3 will be achieved by becoming stronger and lighter, which I have no doubt you'll get.