Newbie here. Need some help.


New Member
So with this program, are the first 3-4 days of each rep range supposed to be easy? Easy as in not really having to push yourself because it's less then your max anyways?

Also how much rest is advised between sets and exercises? Is it better to maintain high0intensity with smaller breaks (30-60 seconds) or should I take longer 2-3 minute breaks?
So with this program, are the first 3-4 days of each rep range supposed to be easy? Easy as in not really having to push yourself because it's less then your max anyways?

Also how much rest is advised between sets and exercises? Is it better to maintain high0intensity with smaller breaks (30-60 seconds) or should I take longer 2-3 minute breaks?

I try to get the most out of every session. When the weight is lighter, I'll slow down the tempo. And/or, I'll do 1 set of the prescribed reps (15, 10, 5) and then a 'rep out' set where I just go and go and go till it burns - then I'll cluster a few more mini-sets of 3 with very little rest in between (10 - 15 seconds).

I use very small rests between sets and exercises until I get above 90% of my RM. Smaller breaks are good, but if they mean you haven't rested enough to complete another set, you should rest longer.