newbie hst routine and symmetry


New Member
i've been working out for 6 years using every routine ever invented by bodybuilders. i was on hit for a couple of years when i discovered hst. i've been working out hst style for a while (a couple of years, maybe, i'm not sure), and though i've seen good gains, i can't really make a scientific assessment of my evolution, since i didn't really write anything down in a journal or anything.

anyway, all i know is that i started out at 67kg/147lb, bulked for some 3 or 4 years to 89kg/196lb (at 173cm/5'9"), and have been pretty much alternating between eating at maintenance or cutting (ckd for a while) for a long time. so i'm now at 76kg/167lb, after a period where i didn't really feel like training, but still managed to continue.

so what happens is i was doing hst in a very lame way, sd'ing for too long, doing too many sets, too many exercises, and going to failure too often, sometimes when i shouldn't. not to mention i was also burning my cns with too heavy negatives.

now i have decided to get more serious about it, cleaned up my diet, got me some supplements (whey, creatine, fish oil, multivitamin), and have started my 15s.

what i'd like someone to do is take a look at my routine, and tell me if there's anything wrong with it.

height - 173cm/5'9"
weight - 76kg/167lb
age - 32
arms - 15.6"
thighs - 26"
calves - 13"

2 sets for all exercises except for calves (3 sets)
leg press
standing calf raises
military press
lat pull down
decline bench press
preacher curl
skull crushers

i'll be doing 3x week at least for 15s, then maybe i'll do 6x week starting on 10s.

one of my concerns is i'd like to bring up my arms and calves, as i have decent thighs, chest and back. what do you guys suggest?
Routine looks fine.  A variation you can try that vicious got me hooked on is to add in incline curls towards the end of the 10's, either in place of or adjunct to your preacher curls (will have to manage the volume differently if you do both).  Has helped my bis fill out a bit more than they were, which is good considering my time training.  Calves I do the same thing with.  I do standing calve raise then immediately get on the leg press and do calve raises, but staying in the extreme stretch of the range of motion for the most part.  Doing this for arms and calves has added a bit of size to muscles that have been stagnant for a while, so maybe it can aide you as well.
so if i wanted to do both preacher and incline curls, i'd have to do 1 set for each, since i'm doing 2 sets for preacher curls.

is the calves set you're doing on the leg press the loaded stretch thing that i've been reading everywhere on this board? and do you do it from the beginning or do you add it by the end of the 10s, as you do for arm? and is it a regular set or a burn set?