Newbie qestions..........!


New Member
Sorry................a couple of questions!!

I have been working out for years. Male. 180 lbs. 47 years

I am currently doing a 5x5 Madcow routine.

I like the idea of training 3 x per week.

I have read so much information on this forum, but..........

1. What in HST is a 'cluster'?

2. The routine on the front page of this forum seems to be the simple/easy to follow (I like that!). I take it that that is the best starting point?

3. Failure. If I have understood the routine correctly........if I use the template to plug in my 15,10 & 5 rep maxes it works out the gradual weight increments for me.............I should be OK and not worry about failure issues.

4. Is one set of 15's really enough?

Many thanks

Hey Jules, welcome!

1. The term 'cluster' is generally applied to just a small group of reps ie. a short set. Clustering reps is often used to ensure you reach a fixed number of reps while keeping the effects of fatigue lower than if you pushed to failure on each set.

Say you wanted to get 20 total reps for a particular exercise using your 5RM load. You just manage 5 for the first set, but then you break down the rest of the reps like this: 4 for the second and third sets, 3 for fourth and 2 for the fifth and sixth. That gets you to your required total of 20 reps but you've used lots of small sets, or 'clusters,' to get there.

2. Maybe, but not necessarily! It's a good place to start but if you have been lifting for a long time you may well need to change things a bit. If you post your intended routine here, there are plenty of helpful folks who will chime in with their thoughts.

3. You should be working towards your RMs at the end of each two week mesocycle at which point you will probably hit failure - if not for the first set, then most likely for any subsequent set(s). Obviously, if you are doing more than one set of an exercise, any subsequent set(s) may take you to failure before you reach your RM workouts. It would be best to avoid that by curtailing a set a rep or two short of failure (with your experience, you'll have a pretty good idea of when that is). Save failure training for your RM workouts. Doing this helps prevent the build up of too much fatigue over the course of a cycle. A bit of zig-zag between mesocycles can help with fatigue management too.

4. That depends. In your case (conditioned lifter) possibly not; it will depend on how many exercises you are intending to do per bodypart. As long as you haven't got a shed-load of exercises in your routine, two sets of 15 for each exercise will probably be plenty. Of course, by the time you are at your 15RM workout you are unlikely to get two sets of 15. So, if you wanted to hit your target of 30 total reps you'd need to 'cluster' your reps. And the circle is complete!  

Thanks for the reply!

I understand the 'cluster' theory now!

I have had a good read of the 'Simplify and Win' thread and I think I will choose one of the recommended splits (M,W & F) and give it a go.

I think my biggest hurdle will be accepting the lower daily volume of work compared to some of the routines that I have used in the past........I've probably been overdoing it for years!!



<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I think my biggest hurdle will be accepting the lower daily volume of work compared to some of the routines that I have used in the past........I've probably been overdoing it for years!!</div>

A distinct possibility! So please do a proper SD, probably closer to 14 days so as to make HST worth it This too may be a bit of a hurdle to get over!

You will be surprised by the 15's, they get totally &quot;out of hand&quot;, specially when doing a true 15 RM set of Deadlifts or Squats, will feel like hell!

To make it real worth it when during the 15's at least for the first few workouts as those will feel somewhat light (remember to start at roughly 65% or so of that particular RM if I making any sense. eg:if 15 rm squat = 100 Kg, then start with 65Kg for 1st workout, then add 10% per workout till you hit the 100 Kg), slow down the reps during each exercise and cut the rest to a minimum kinda like circuit training, this really makes it tougher!

Enjoy! Will not add any more than Lol already did! Cheers
Thanks Fausto.........................

I am coming to a point in my training (5x5) where I will need a break/rest. I intend to change to an HST routine.

My plan is to have a 2 week SD period. I understand that this is a requirement before I launch into an HST program...................I will report back with loads of questions!! Having said that, the 'stickies on this forum' are very good.


OK...............I'm cosidering this workout but would welcome your advice.......................

1. Squats


3. Flat Bench

4. Pullups (palms forward facing) or maybe Bar Rows. (I actually think Rows are kinder to the joints but maybe not as effective as pull ups.)

5. Military press

6. Arm curl

7. Tri extn

Enough? Too much?

With the pull ups -  I cannot do 15 so would it be correct to cluster the reps until I get 15 in total.

On the 10's (which is my max really) I thought 2 sets.

On the 5's use additional weight strapped to me!?


The only thing I'd change is to do the chinup rather which is palms facing you and with a close grip. It allows for more weight.

Your setup then is right, 15 with body weight, 10 x 2 and 5's with extra weight!
(Julesx @ Apr. 02 2009,11:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">4. Pullups (palms forward facing) or maybe Bar Rows. (I actually think Rows are kinder to the joints but maybe not as effective as pull ups.)

With the pull ups -  I cannot do 15 so would it be correct to cluster the reps until I get 15 in total.</div>
With the pull-ups (or chins) I usually start with the lat pull-down machine to get the 15 reps. Clustering during the early 15's might cause problems progressing the load later in the cycle.