Next cycle Im gonna take prohormones 2nd week of 10's->4wks...


New Member
Not sure if i should just increase reps or add weight...

I'm not entirely sure about increasing reps vs increasing weight used

I was thinking 2 days of increased reps and on the last day of each week add more weight than i'm scheduled to lift.... Any suggestions?
I would increase volume rather than adding load. That way once you come up, you can just drop volume back to normal and you will be able to maintain the load. It is important that you do not cut back on the load used during PCT so you can maintain any muscle gains you've made.
I would try for 4-5 x 10 and 5-6 x 5. Then instead of negatives if you are still on after that point, I would do 10 sets of 3 for post-5s. Some of this you will have to go by feel and if it is too much volume then cut back a little.
I would use your 3 RM and lay out a week or two week block just like you would do if you were doing 5s. 10x3 can build a ton of strength and mass.
Thanks. Another question... I didn't think about this... what do i do during pct? it lasts 4wks. Keep adding weight til i cant add anymore is one idea but i think i'll stall before the 4wks are up. When do I do SD or do I not need it with PH's?
Thanks. Another question... I didn't think about this... what do i do during pct? it lasts 4wks. Keep adding weight til i cant add anymore is one idea but i think i'll stall before the 4wks are up. When do I do SD or do I not need it with PH's?

it'll take forever to do 10x3 of all my exercises? which ones should i do 3rm for?

i do:

bw pullups and chinups
flat bench
mil press
weighted ab crunches

im trying to increase bicep and lat size.. i cant do weighted pullups/chinups in the station at the gym and we arent allowed to bring bags in the gym so no backpack.

thanks brochacho

I would just try to maintain your loads at the very least, increase if you can but try to keep loads at least your 5-8 RM, that should be heavy enough to maintain.
It isn't likely you'll grow during PCT. PCT is all about maintenance. I would do 2-3 sets on most lifts, some you might only do 2.
K. What about biceps/lat growth for my next session?

What exercises/ sets/reps?

I think pullups are getting harder due to weight gain(i do BW pullups)
According to the site my 8rm 194-207lbs for benchpress
5rm is between 220-225lbs

i was thinking

3 sets of 8 reps: 185, 190, 195, 200, 205, 210

then 3 sets of 5 reps: 200, 205, 210, 215 220, 225.

I'm gonna start next week. gonna start in 2 days

yes all i care about is my bro muscles
Sorry to bump an old thread but my mind has gone blank... I dont know how i came to those weights but they worked.

my new 5rm for bench is: 255lbs
Incline is 215
bor is 180
shrugs 260
mil press 145

if someone can figure out what i did i'd appreciate it...

i used this site:

I think I worked off either the 70 or 75%

or just help me figure out what weight to use for my 8rm workout and 5rm workout while i cut.