Next cycle of HST


Active Member
Guys I am currently cutting for the beach and will begin my SD here in about a week for about 13 to 15 days, then it will be back to HST. I would like to shape up my muscle more and get more defined if that is possible with the exception of diet. Trying to get less bulky and more sculpted...I know that is mainly diet related but can you change your workout for that look?

That being said here is my next cycle of HST
Please critique

10 degree incline 4 sets with dumbells
lat pull 2 sets
rows 1 set
2 sets of dumbell shoulder press
1 set of reverse flys
3 sets of squats
2 sets of overhead tricep extentions with dumbell
2 sets of curls
3 sets of abs

I doing dumbells b/c of a shoulder injury I got will heavy benching..also that is why I do not do dips it agravates my shoulder area.

I would do this in the fashion of 1 week of 15 followed by 4 weeks of 10 and 3 weeks of 5.

I do this b/c I feel the higher reps may help me define more.

A personal trainer at the gym came up to me and said man for you size you are pretty thick...he recommended doing just 15 and 12 reps for all exercises for the next 6 months to sculpt a better body..I said to him isn't that just diet..and he said 80% was diet but the higher reps would help sculpt my body more?

Sorry for the length what do you guys think?
I'm not sure how defining your muscle is a matter of higher reps. To me definition is about the size of the muscle versus the about of subcutaneous fat over it, the less fat the better definition. Muscle shape can only very limitedly be controlled, genetics play the biggest part.
Thanks DKM...I trust you guys advice over any personal trainer.

DKM how does new HST training Split look?

I added the extra set for chest to hopefully get my chest looking bigger and well as to help with pec growth!

Thanks again :)
Short and sweet, looks fine to me.

Remember Bryan is a personal trainer.
DKM thanks again...yeah I brian classifys under a whole different personal trainer..hehe.

Hey just out of curiousity how much protien do you recomend for someone like myself. I weight around 189 right now at about 13 % BF prob.

Its hard to get in all the protien I need. I have always struggled with that..yet I have made great gains?? Does that mean if I were to consistenly up my protien the great gains would come???

Thanks! :)
About the protein/diet...
You have to find out for yourself first what your base calorie intake is to keep your weight...
Looking at your weight my guess is it's around 2500-2600... But then again, I could be mistaking (for example I weigh 145-150 pounds, and my basic calorie intake to sustain my weight is around 2900-3000 cal)...
So I suggest you do a food log for a day or two three, see to which amount of cals you get, which amount of proteine, carbs and fat...
Then adjust it...
The rules are you need about 2-3g of prot per kg body weight (meaning about 1,1g per pound), so probably you'd need about 200-220 g).
(please correct me if I'm wrong peeps)
The RDA is .8 gram per. But this doesn't take into account chronic training. Most say 1 gram per pound is sufficient, which is what I go with. This is a minimum in my book, but many use more. The RDA has no upper limit on protein yet, but I would imagine that in time they will develope one.

There is a saturation point so to speak where once you have all your body can use the rest is excreted but it's hard to find that point without a lab. Also you may want more if your BF is higher as protein has a higher TEF, than either carbs or fats.

So I would say try to get at least 190 grams. I also think it is very important to get your protein as recommended by Bryan, pre and post workout, then divide the rest throughout the day.