NO gains... help?


New Member
Hey everyone! I am new on here and would just like some advice or critiques...

I am on week 4. So tomorrow will be my 5th workout in my 10 rep 2 week block.

Is it normal to not really see any gains at this time? My arms are still the same size as they were when i started...

My workout is this:

-Squats (alternate with Deadlifts every other workout)
-Flat Bench Press
-Seated Leg Curls
-Dumbbell Flyes
-T-Bar Back Pull (Alternate with lat bar pull-downs every other workout)
-Arnold Shoulder Press
-Barbell Shrugs
-Standing Bicep Dumbbell Curls
-Tricep Cable PullDowns
-Standing Calf Raises

Is that too much? I dont hardly ever feel sore... I am trying to stick to the program as best i can.
Trying to eat as much as i can as well... about 215 grams of protein (i weigh about 190 lbs).

Any thoughts? Should i finish out the routine before i see results?
Thanks a bunch!!!!!
The biggest question here... have you gained any weight at all? If not, that's the problem right there. Just trying to eat as much as you can is not good enough. You have to force enough food down to grow. Diet is make or break here. As a general rule of thumb, eat enough that you are gaining just a bit of fat - then you know you are eating enough to gain as much muscle as possible. If you weigh 190, you want to multiply 190 by 18 to 20, and eat that much in calories each day.

On the other hand, your workout plan looks solid. You aren't really that far in to have gained a whole lot yet, so I would suggest to just be more patient. However, as I said above, if you haven't gained any weight (or worse yet, lost weight) then definitely up the calories. I personally do not measure gains during a cycle. You will have fluctuations in water weight, carb storage in the muscles, etc, that will effect your measurements during the cycle. It's best to measure prior to the cycle then measure a couple days after the cycle.
Thanks so much for the input! I havent weight myself yet, but i do feel like im gaining weight. I feel full most of the time and my wife cooks some very healthy stuff.
I had recently done about a year of weight loss from 245 lbs to 183 lbs and felt so good. my fat % went from 30 down to 17% But i wanted to get some muscle in there.
After a couple months of trying to hit the weights harder i jumped from 183 to 193lbs and all of it was lean mass.
My problem is that i am so afraid of putting on fat again, that it is VERY hard for me to eat enough to try to gain. lol

but i will continue with the program and then measure again.

Thanks so much for the tips!
Ok well your feelings don't matter at all. Just ignore those from now on. You can only really on hard measurements. Weigh yourself daily at the same time - the best time is in the morning prior to getting ready for the day but after going to the bathroom for the first time. Track your weight daily - there will be fluctuations from day to day due to water weight but keep track of it daily and watch for an upward pattern over the course of the week.
Yes, you used to be fat but you aren't going to let that happen again, right? So stop worrying about it. Will you get a huge 10 lb gain in lean mass again within two months? Probably not. There is this thing called the 'newbie effect' which you experienced. You can't count on that again, so now you have to start eating enough that you are, in fact, gaining a little bit of fat - don't worry, you will just cut this fat later. You've cut fat before so you know how to do it, so there isn't anything to worry about.