No Gym 5 months!!


New Member
OK so i'm college student studying abroad next semester, and the gym is very costly for very little. I'm going to take this as time to do a cut cycle since I have done all bulk cycles and I could use a drop in body fat especially around my stomach.

I want to make a routine that will mimic HST principles, but I won't have any weights and I dont think I will even have a chinup bar!

I'm thinking situps, pushups, and chair/bed dips. How can I increase weight/difficulty? I'm thinking adding gradual weight to a backpack and wearing it or "using" it as a weight (Example: to curl). Any ideas?

Any other suggestions or links to workouts I can do without weights. I have a myriad of situp routines, I could use different styles of pushups, or any other exercises for other muscles.

Thanks guys. I want to kep HST principals while i'm away but continue to work out. I will also take this time to do a lot of running distance and sprints.
Try Ross Enamait's site
Dips are easy to do if you have access to a couple of chairs or the corner of a kitchen worktop.

Don't forget that as well as the slow stuff recommended in the T-Nation article that doing explosive exercises is also good (more power generated). So, explosive squat jumps are great for your legs. Try them with a loaded back-pack too. Do some sprinting sessions if there's a track.

It is usually possible to find a way to do chins. Kid's playgrounds usually have some bars. Using a stair well is often possible too.

It's amazing what you can do if you are inventive.

All the best.
alright good stuff guys, thanks.

Would you recommend increasing reps as the "cycle" goes on or increasing weight (with the backpack) as the "cycle" goes on?

How long does a typical cut cycle go on for as well? Going to be my first one.